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Rad 4: Rad 4:
| Uppslagsnummer=12
| Uppslagsnummer=12
| Regdatum=2012-08-08
| Regdatum=2012-08-08
| Avsnittsanteckningar=Dnr 171-12
| Uppslagsanteckningar_PU=Dnr 171-12
| Uppslagsanteckningar=
| Uppslagsanteckningar=
| Uppslagsanteckningar_PU=
| Avsnittsanteckningar_PU=
| SPCdatum=
| SPCdatum=
| SPCnoteringar=Kommer inte längre då varkenXX eller {{Maskat|Längd=3}} ar intresserad av
| SPCnoteringar=Kommer inte längre då varkenXX eller {{Maskat|Längd=3}} ar intresserad av
Rad 26: Rad 26:
| Omreg=Nej
| Omreg=Nej

Nuvarande version från 8 april 2022 kl. 13.17

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Uppslagsanteckningar (PU)
Dnr 171-12
Uppslagsanteckningar (wpu)

SPC Noteringar
Kommer inte längre då varkenXX eller ar intresserad av

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2012-08-06 00:00

Rikskriminalpolisen - VB:


Fran: <sakerhetspolisen a sakerhetspolisen.se> Till: <polismyndigheten.stockholm@polisen.se>, <rikskriminalpolisen a polisen.se Datum: 8/6/2012 14:21 Ärende: VB:

Var ref 2012-8845 Att Palmegruppen


Översänder detta (se nedan) for kännedom och eventuell åtgärd.


Med vänliga hälsningar,


SakerhetspolisenFrån:Skickat: den 4 augusti 2012 23:52 Till:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From:Date: July 11, 2011 11:12:43 AM EDT To: stig.cdqvist polisen.se, sakerhetspolisen a sakerhetspolisen.se Subject: Fwd: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Nyheter

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From:Date: July 8, 2011 11:17:15 AM EDT To:Subject: Fwd: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Nyheter

Forwarded message From:aDate: 8 June 2011 23:11 Subject: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Vyheter To:

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Rikskriminalpolisen - VB:


Fran: <sakerhetspolisen a sakerhetspolisen.se> Till: <polismyndigheten.stockholm@polisen.se>, <rikskriminalpolisen a polisen.se Datum: 8/6/2012 14:21 Ärende: VB:

Var ref 2012-8845 Att Palmegruppen


Översänder detta (se nedan) for kännedom och eventuell åtgärd.


Med vänliga hälsningar,


SakerhetspolisenFrån:Skickat: den 4 augusti 2012 23:52 Till:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From:Date: July 11, 2011 11:12:43 AM EDT To: stig.cdqvist polisen.se, sakerhetspolisen a sakerhetspolisen.se Subject: Fwd: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Nyheter

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From:Date: July 8, 2011 11:17:15 AM EDT To:Subject: Fwd: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Nyheter

Forwarded message From:aDate: 8 June 2011 23:11 Subject: People suing what I have written plus my latest debate article in Dagens Vyheter To:

Ilello again! In the. I mentioned the names of four police officers who possibly could have been involved in the murder, at least there were some unanswered questions regarding their activities during the night of the murder. The names of the policemen probably would mean nothing to you. There are in fact other policemen who might be more interesting to investigate.Nowadays I mostly write books. But on the 25th anniversary of the Palme murder, February 28 this year,skrev 2011-06-08 16:40:

ps. I forgot! what was it that you said that caused people to sue you? Did you mention somebody specifically? Can you say who it was? And if it is the publisher that is sued rather than you then do you have anything to lose if your article is accepted? It sounds like not, but may be nobody wants to publish you anymore. That would be bad. What papers do you write for? I only know dagens nyheter and svenska dagbladet, maybe sudsvenska dagbladet (I think!) too. I don't really know expressen or afton bladet as

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Ilello again! In the. I mentioned the names of four police officers who possibly could have been involved in the murder, at least there were some unanswered questions regarding their activities during the night of the murder. The names of the policemen probably would mean nothing to you. There are in fact other policemen who might be more interesting to investigate.Nowadays I mostly write books. But on the 25th anniversary of the Palme murder, February 28 this year,skrev 2011-06-08 16:40:

ps. I forgot! what was it that you said that caused people to sue you? Did you mention somebody specifically? Can you say who it was? And if it is the publisher that is sued rather than you then do you have anything to lose if your article is accepted? It sounds like not, but may be nobody wants to publish you anymore. That would be bad. What papers do you write for? I only know dagens nyheter and svenska dagbladet, maybe sudsvenska dagbladet (I think!) too. I don't really know expressen or afton bladet as

On 8 June 2011 14:00.and thank you for your mail. It seems that you have arrived at an important decision and I can only wish that the Swedish police will listen to you with an open mind. If you are right concerning the evidence in the Palme case you and your husband will be able to solve a national Swedish trauma that has gone on for more than 25 years. If I understand you correctly you have made an appointment with Stig Edqvist who is leading the police investigation. He is a nice man to talk to, but of course it's not easy to guess how he will evaluate the evidence you have

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

On 8 June 2011 14:00.and thank you for your mail. It seems that you have arrived at an important decision and I can only wish that the Swedish police will listen to you with an open mind. If you are right concerning the evidence in the Palme case you and your husband will be able to solve a national Swedish trauma that has gone on for more than 25 years. If I understand you correctly you have made an appointment with Stig Edqvist who is leading the police investigation. He is a nice man to talk to, but of course it's not easy to guess how he will evaluate the evidence you have

Anyway, if the evidence you can present is strong enough there should be no problem. Maybe I'll read about it all in the papers sooner or later. Feel free to contact me again if you should have any questions I might be able to answer.

Best regards,

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Anyway, if the evidence you can present is strong enough there should be no problem. Maybe I'll read about it all in the papers sooner or later. Feel free to contact me again if you should have any questions I might be able to answer.

Best regards,

On 7 June 2011 23:10.You asked me if I have heard any rumours from anyone else. There have been a lot of rumours concerning Palme's death pointing in a number of directions.

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

On 7 June 2011 23:10.You asked me if I have heard any rumours from anyone else. There have been a lot of rumours concerning Palme's death pointing in a number of directions.

If you are worried that someone might read your mail, maybe you should use another mail account when you contact me. Alternatively, if you wish it is also possible that we continue our mail conversation with the aid of an encryption program. I have used PGP and can explain how to do it if you want.

skrev 2011-06-06 22:46:


Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

If you are worried that someone might read your mail, maybe you should use another mail account when you contact me. Alternatively, if you wish it is also possible that we continue our mail conversation with the aid of an encryption program. I have used PGP and can explain how to do it if you want.

skrev 2011-06-06 22:46:


Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf

Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf


Pol-2012-08-06 D21157-12 Eva-Rausing.pdf