
Sida:Pol-1996-10-11 HBE17832-00 Eugene Alexander DeKock.pdf/5

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Williamson and his group.

We, in the CCB, the Civil Cooperation Bureau, and my own unit, as well as other units in the army the reconnaisance command, we had...there was interaction between us, so we usually knew who did which operation.

We would not be able to name the operators, but we know, or we knew which operators was involved in it, so that we do not cross lines and kill each other's sources or, you know, manage to maybe upset an operation which is already in progress.

And then you also had in form of like fingerprinting, you know.

You could, by the execution of the type of operation, you knew who it was.

After a certain incident where we bombed a God's house. I mean we never, you know told anybody about it. Now the next morning there was a fax, a congratulations on God's house. And then I asked one of the CCB chaps: "Well how can you say it's lis?" So he said: "Well if it's not us, then it must be you."

You know, it was one of those types of things. There is...there was a method that was identifiable, there's no doubt about that. Anything more direct about Powell?

D: Yes please. Where did you talk to Mister Powell?

K: It was in the base camp that was adjoining the game reserve. "Wat is daai?" (What is that?) It was adjoining the Umfolosi game reserve. There is a base camp that was adjoining the fence of it. And we sat the night there and we...and we... in general you know we talked and then he gave me this information, all by himself, it wasn't forced out of him.

I was actually surprised by his openness. I did not ask for this information. It came in all the conversations. This was before we had an argument about his way of doing things, you know, when we start the training.

D: Do you remember the name of the camp, if it had one?

K: No, and there is not a day that I did not kick myself for not keeping it, or keeping it back. I do not know how to explain it to you the, well, not the remorse, but the stupidity of not keeping it. I had the name and I had an address.

D: And can you connect it with another event, so you can maybe...?