
Sida:Pol-2012-09-19 DA21183-01 Författare redogör för tips.pdf/1

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Dnr: APAL-428-196/12

DA 21183-1

 Maskerat foto av person 

och mordet på Olof Palme

"If I had shot Palme, as I was 13 years old, I would have been loved not just by my parents by half of the country, easy to take a year in prison if any, I was perhaps to young for that.

As I was planning, I was to tell the press, as a teenager that is, why I shot Palme, it was because I beleived Palme was a trator.

I was suspecting to get support to bring facts into light. I know by now, some one of the people I know today would likely have testified to my support of Palme's treachery."

Mottagit kopia på denna handling 2012-09-06 ./ahg

Ann-Helene Gustafsson