
Sida:Pol-1995-05-31 L6056-03 Sökning Interpol ASF databas.pdf/2

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Your name/alias query is as follows:


Family name =
Forename =
Date of birth = ?
Minimum age = 000
Maximum age = 999

===== NO REPLY =====

There is no reply in the asf database. Your query may be too specific. Try a question mark after part of the forename or identity document number.

----- Text -----

If you want a reply in english, french or spanish, ask your question in the appropriate language. A computerized format is also available.

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1995/05/31 08:17:25 GMT

Your name/alias query is as follows:


Family name =
Forename =
Date of birth = ?
Minimum age = 000
Maximum age = 999

===== NO REPLY =====

There is no reply in the asf database. Your query may be too specific. Try a question mark after part of the forename or identity document number.