
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ17837-00 alla-förhör-Craig-Williamson.pdf/18

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Craig Williamson: was...because in '75 we split up: the guy I went with on the trip Mark Stint the NUS president-elect and I were sent to different places, but I've got a feeling that I went to Sweden.

D: Did you go there on your own initiative or were you invited or sent there by the organisation?

Craig Williamson: IUEF.

D: Yes.

Craig Williamson: Each time.

D: When you visited Sweden, have you ever had any other identity than your Craig Williamson?

Craig Williamson: No.

D: You have never travelled with any other passport, any other identity?

Craig Williamson: Never been to Sweden except, I believe, on my South African passport once, in 1975, and after that on my UN document.

D: Have you ever had a passport in another name than Williamson?

Craig Williamson:


Craig Williamson: honen

D: W:D:W:18