
Sida:Pol-1996-10-23 HBD17830-00 Dirk Johanes Coetzee.pdf/14

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C: Okay, because I've got it here. I've got it.

Ö: Okay, here we go.

C: Right, now it's still the quote. Now it's on page 22 of my manuscript, where Craig Williamson ... and I quote him, how's he explaining now, because I know hearsay evidence is a problem in normal life, in judicial terms, but in our world, not.

He says:

"It is a very devious way of talking. It is something that security people will understand."

And then he goes on and says:

"I think for people in the profession, people who speak deviously to each other and who have a very intimate rapport with each other understand intimately, understand very well what is going on in this type of conversation."

Craig Williamson, at my internal trial, on ten June 1985, volume six, page 292 and 293.

Now that is just to show you what is my relationship ... from Craig Williamson, how he explains to a presiding officer, the good relationship we had; how he explains to a presiding officer this way of talking, which is very difficult to bring into line with the judicial rules and judicial system. That's about my story.

Ö: Well, I would say it was not a brief information, it was...

C: Comprehensive?

Ö: Yes.

C: I'm always comprehensive. Speak too much.

Ö: But still I have some questions.

C: Yes, for sure.

Ö: Have you ever been in Sweden?

C: Never in my life.

Ö: Do you know any Swede? I mean down here or otherwise in the...overseas or something?

C: No. I know ... well apart from the journalists that I've met now in the past three weeks ...