
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ17837-00 alla-förhör-Craig-Williamson.pdf/15

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It can be correct, yes.

Craig Williamson:


Ö: I have to ask you another question about persons in Sweden: Have you ever met a policeman? I don't mean if you have asked a policeman in the street what the street is. I don't mean that contact. Have you met and...you get...and you knew any policemen in Sweden?

Craig Williamson: I'm not...that I believe, I mean. Intelligence, secret policemen or proper policemen?

Ö: Anyone.

Craig Williamson: Well, on the intelligence side I mean I can't really cominent, but no, it doesn't ring a bell. I mean, not that I'm become friendly with, certainly not.

Ö: You must be aware of this international police association. Have you any contacts in Sweden such...?

Craig Williamson: No.

Ö: Did you meet Mr Palme?

Craig Williamson: No, I don't think I ever met him.

Ö:. 1990 I think it was an interview with you in a newspaper down here. It's called 'Rapport'. And you said in this interview that you had talked to a minister, a Swedish minister about the murder case of Olof Palme and there was a South African link. I have the paper, but it's in Swedish, so you can't read it. This newspaper was... it's a sensational newspaper...in South Africa