
Sida:Pol-1996-10-11 HBE17832-00 Eugene Alexander DeKock.pdf/6

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K: Well, I can maybe connect Williamson to another event which happened. There's another name here which I will give to you, which can give you another lead.

Ö:I mean when you talked to Mister Powell, if you can...

D: We're still in the camp.

Ö: Still in the camp.

K: No, there is no...there is no other...there is no other incident that I can attach to it, which can give me additional, a sort of projection of what happeneci there.

D:Where were you sitting?

K: We were sitting just outside. There was a long bungalow, built of stone, and I think it had a thatched roof if I'm not mistaken, and we were just sitting outside there. That was where we slept and they also made the food there. There's a little round bungalow. On the opposite of this long bungalow there's also a sort of a shower and a toilet facility and that is where we sat.

D: Anything else in the surroundings that you could remember?

K: Well, there was a lot of singing of the young blacks that was due to be trained, but you know nothing that would have impaired my hearing, let me put it to you that way, or there was no liquor. I do not use liquor 24 hours before I either start training or I go into operations, and he does not drink at all. So it's not a matter that, because he's a total, you know, absentee: he doesn't use, you know, well he uses no alcohol at all.

D:Was it a long or a short conversation you had?

K: It was a general conversation, you know. It sort of flowed. He was, you know, talking about this. I, if I'm not mistaken I was referring to some of our operations in Swaziland, and because what I was trying to do was ro compare the international standards of operations, you know. I actually wanted to see is: will we also be able to operate in Europe? should that order