
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ17837-00 alla-förhör-Craig-Williamson.pdf/20

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Craig Williamson: police officers, it's been on an absolutely chance informal thing: maybe at an IPA drinks party or something, but I have no recollection of any ... of any ...

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: No kind of co-operation or something?

Craig Williamson: No.

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: Professionally, I mean.

Craig Williamson: Absolutely not.

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: You mentioned also that 1985, I think, you carried out or some operations abroad that you were going to the Truth Commission with. Is that correctly understood?

Craig Williamson: 1985?

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: Yes, I think you said it.

Craig Williamson: No, I said "through the whole...from 1980 to 1985."

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: Okay.

Craig Williamson: 1985 ... the only operation 1985 was the Gaborone raid, which I'm going to the Truth Commission about.

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: Was any of those covert operations aimed at Sweden in any sense?

Craig Williamson: No.

ÅKL Jan Danielsson: Do you know of any operation aimed at Sweden?

Craig Williamson: During ... during the British-based anti-ANC operation, I really don't have details,
