
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ17837-00 alla-förhör-Craig-Williamson.pdf/8

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I said

"if we militarise the South African situation, we're going to have a war. If we don't find a political solution, we have got problems."

That was basically what my position was. And I said:

"the more we militarise, the more...that's what the ANC want us to do. The more we clamp down, the more international support they'll get, the more the people will be oppressed, the more they'll react and be pro-ANC. That's just a vicious circle."

And then the Gaborone raid completely finished me. I mean, I was used to go to Parliament and to go on TV and justify something that was a complete abortion and didn't do what should have been done.

As my attitude at that time was: if we knew there were some ANC operators in a house in Gaborone, we could send five, ten guys at night and go and take out that house.

To just put a huge military force into Gaborone and just kill a whole load of people and smash up everything was a political action aimed at Botswana, nothing to do with the ANC. And it fitted with my whole...

I said:

"right, we're heading for a...if we continue this way, well, we're going to go... it's going to be a full-scale war."

So 1985 I resigned and the end of December 195-12-31, that was the end

And during that time I'd been thinking and planning what I was going to do.

I decided I wanted to go into politics. I'd talked to some people.

Everybody told me that from 1987, 1988 there would be an election and if I played my cards right I could get nomination as a National Party candidate.


HBD 17530 HBG 16609

FHL Jan Danielsson: How do you spell that?

Craig Williamson:

And then they had another section called Ander Lande: other countries.

This was everything north of Zaire and then the rest of the world.

And I agreed that I would ... there were some two or three people from my section in the police who also weren't happy and I said: "I'll help you


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