
Sida:Pol-1986-10-07 HI7504-00 Om korrespondens mellan Leonard F Tate och US Senator Alan Cranston avseende MOP och WACL.pdf/1

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Honorable Alan Cranston States Senate

Building, Suite 112 , DC 20510

Senator Cranston:


Recent news reports indicate that Swedish police officials focused their investigation into the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme on local Swedish associates the World Anti-Communist League (ACL). Quoting an source close to Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson, the newspaper Aftonbladet reports the scenario police are up with is that members of the ACL contacted like- people in Sweden with the idea of murdering Palme. e JACL provided agents and plans, while local Swedes gave -the-spot advice and helped with the details around Palme's .

As you know, the ACL, headed by retired U.S. General Singlaub, whose members include a number of prominent . senators and representatives, as well as Nazi war , various stripes of U.3. ultra-rightists, and tied to rightwing terrorist organizations in Europe, , and Latin America, is a powerfUL and well-financed with close ties to the Nicaraguan contras, Latin American death squads, the Unification Church, counterrevolutionary groups in Angola, Afghanistan, and .

Since Palme, a longtime peace activist and critic of the .. war in Southeast Asia as well as its more recent in Central America, was also a founding member of Six Nation Summit on Nuclear Disarmament and spearheaded Five Continent Peace Initiative contained in the group's Declaration, he certainly presented a thorn in the side current U.J. administration policies in a number of areas. is certainly conceivable, therefore, that, in view of

elations in recent years of U.3. involvement in attempted actual political assassinations worldwide, certain U.. officials and agents may well have been involved the assassination of Palme..

Is the U.. Sovernment cooperating fully with Swedish in their investigation? Have there been or are there any congressional investigations into the ACL's involvement in the Palme assassination and the involvement, directly or indirectly, of U.. govern- ent officials and agents, whether acting in an official or not? Have there been or are there contempated judicial investigations oy U... authorities into the ACL's possible involvement in the Palme assassination in of U... laws and the further possible involvement,

ANUN: A 7208