
Sida:Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf/7

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military training before infil. outlawed organization with agent. trating Turkey.

their "sincere confessions." As there have been occasional Some of the strategic informa. How "sincere" they indeed are reports on Ocalan's "death," tion supplied by the Emluk's will be determined when the Emluk's explanation that the was interesting, both for local information is evaluated. But, PKK leader had visited the terror experts and internation- security people do not rule out Mahsun Korkmaz camp on al observers. According to Ke- the possibility of a fake attempt March 8, 1987 to celebrate mal Emluk, the reknown manevoured by the organiza "World's Womens Day" was "Mahsun Korkmaz Military tion to gain credibility. interesting. During this visit Academy" which is situated be- There is also some caution in Ocalan apparently inspected tween Syria and Lebanon, oc- Ankara when "repentants" are all of his militants and was cupies a space of about 10 thou. concerned. Many confessions greeted like the commander of sand square meters and con. have proven to be bogus, either an army. sists of four buildings, one of to accuse other suspects and put The recent attacks in the which is a PKK prison.

the blame on them or directly to Southeast region, followed by There is also a radio station buy a way out of prison. Emluk's confessions and the in the camp. The PKK has set "According to what is popular. threat of future Syrian involveup a clandestine radio which ly known as the "Second Re- ment in terrorist activities tak. broadcasts twelve hours a day pentants Law," which went into ing place within Turkish terri. from 0700 hours to 1900 hours effect at the end of March 1988, tory, are clear evidence that the local time. Training, he said, militants of armed organiza- Summer of 1988 will be no dif. started at 0500 hours and con- tions who confess to their ferent than last year. tinued throughout the day for a crimes and help crush the or. Massacres should be expected period of five months in all. ganization will either not be to follow one another while the

Among the weapons that the punished or will receive only PKK gradually builds up its PKK currently uses, Emluk one-fourth of their actual sen. strength and embraces its new has identified the G-1, G-3, AK. tence.

recruits in training camps 47, Kornach, Diktiriof, Anfor- Thus, whether the Diyarbakir across the border. or, Biscing, Bito and Lavs as militants are really telling the The threat for Turkey, a NAwell as rocket launchers of truth or making things up will TO ally with the longest land various types.

be seen during their first hear- border with the Soviet Union, is One warning that Emluk ing, expected to take place clear. As BRIEFING has said gave was even more serious. sometime early next month. before, neither belittling nor According to the young repen- Another interesting detail exagerating the threat will help tant --who himself confessed provided by Emluk concerns this country. It is time that participation in countless kill- the death of PKK militants. Ac- measures are taken according ings-. the PKK is on the verge cording to him, at least 15 have to the geographical situation, of making a serious deal with been "executed" by the organi. social structure and political Syria to purchase SAM-type zation. And, he personally car. configuration of the region. missiles. He said that the deci- ried out the execution of Fevzi Civilians in the Southeast are sion to purchase was given in Aydin, responsible for Eruh re- Turkish citizens as well and the Third Congress of the gion, because of his failure in a need protection. Explanations, "Party" and they are awaiting clash during which Mahsun such as the settlements are too formal Syrian approval for the Korkmaz --a prominent lead. far to protect or the PKK has ocsale, in order to bring the weap. er-- was killed.

cupied some of the inhabited ons into Turkey.

The suspect also cleared up hamlets, can only help the sep. Both Kemal Emluk and his some points concerning ru- aratist cause and are bound to wiſe are currently on trial in mours about Abdullah Ocalan, damage Turkey's integrity in Diyarbakir and may have the organization's leader and a the long run. struck an important blow to the known Syrian intelligence

10 BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988