
Sida:Pol-1991-01-08 HA11289-24 CIA-telegram-svenska-trädet.pdf/1

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Date: 8 Jan. 1991


HA 11289-24




Nr of pages: 1 (This incl)

Kopia för kännedom

till Palme-grp, att.: H Ölvebro.

Our ref:

Your ref:

Subject: Olof Palme, your fax

Having returned to my office after a couple of days of vacation, I found on my desk your fax, for which I am very gratefUL. I spoke to-day with the Head of the investigation team, Mr Hans Ölvebro, who expressed his satisfaction and asked me to forward to you his gratitude. There are, however, some passages in the text on pages 4, 7 and 8 which make us a little hesitant. On page 4 after the answer "no" to question 4 there is a passage which begins with: "The individual calling indicated that he

Interpolsekt. 91-01-09 0


This passage and the next passage which begins with: corrected..." doesn't seem to fit in very well. Those passages can also be found on pages 7 and 8 respectively. Could it be that the text on pages 4, 7 and 8 is mixed- up in some way?

The fax device is a wonderfUL thing but to use it sometimes also implies disadvantages such as indistinct text which is difficult to copy. I would therefore be very gratefUL if you could send me a. m. text by letter. Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards

alec: under

Åke Sundgren

For Interpol Stockholm




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