
Sida:Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf/8

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YOUR REF: OUR REF:SUBJECT:INFORMATION REQUESTINTERPOLtakes this opportunity to extend its compliments to INTERPOL Stockholm.

Please find below correspondence received fromSTART QUOTE

As per your request from INTERPOL Stockholm for a telephone interview with_nlease be advisednumber,stated that he has already been contacted by Lennart GUSTAFSSON of the Swedish Federal police about this matter and agreed to

be interviewed. Last contact with GUSTAFSSON was three weeks ago.END QUOTE As always, your ongoing support and commitment to INTERPOLis greatly appreciated! [Best regards, ]for Head of INTERPOL National Central Bureau ofThis document containsPolice Lor partner agency information that is security classified by theGovernment and is subject to secrecy and/or privacy laws. This information may only be used for official purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third party without the prior written consent of. The recipient must ensure appropriate secu ity measures are in place to protect the

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