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Kirk Coss: Rob - Kelly is always willing to sacrifice himself
In Sunday Washington Red Leather Competition, Kirk Cousins ​​and a driver of Rob Kelley made us laugh.

At that time, the red skin was a little bit a little higher, and the ball bounced cheap jerseys from china Cousins's hands. The Seattle Hawks' defensive players have broken through the offensive lines. Cousins ​​is Saving the ball quickly gave the ball to Kelly around, as if I said, "I feel the ball."

After the event, Corson received an interview with the other side of this story: "This is why I like Kelly, when the ball talled, I wanted to take the ball, I don't have to be pressed against the defender, the moment. Kelly shouted, I didn't remember what he said, but I know that "Kirk gave me the ball. "It's like telling me that the sacrifice of the lamb. I felt that he was in me, so I immediately gave him a ball, and we all know that he will be subject to other players. The impact, this is why I like him, he is the one who wants to win every moment and put itself in front. "

If there is no Kelly, Cousins ​​will bear the impact from the Haiying defense line. Kelly knows that the four defense is the value of the team, cheap jerseys from china and he uses his own actions to protect quarterfield.