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Ul skirvit brev ang. en artikel om CIA-agent

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Datum: 2009-11-11

Inkommet brev i juli månad 1986 till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo,

I brevet hänvisar till en tidningsartikel, där en avhoppad CIA-agent blivit intervjuad.

Kopior av brev, artikel bifogas uppslaget

Per Karlson

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf


Datum: 2009-11-11

Inkommet brev i juli månad 1986 till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo,

I brevet hänvisar till en tidningsartikel, där en avhoppad CIA-agent blivit intervjuad.

Kopior av brev, artikel bifogas uppslaget

Per Karlson


Överlämnas av ambassaden i Oslo
För kännedom till Nils Rosenberg, Pol 2.

Sveriges ambassad
Nobels gt. 16.
0268 Oslo 2


Vedlagt oversendes en artikkel fra som utgis i New York

Artikkelen er et intervju med en CIA-agent som har blitt arrestert

Agenten, som har brudt med CIA, kommer med interessante opplysninger om CIA:s underorganer i iverksatt - og han nevner i den forbindelse (noe tvetydig) Olof Palmes navn.

Uansett tolkningen av uttalelsene
Olof Palmes navn i denne forbindelse,

Artikkelen har jeg fått oversendt

om saken, men for sikkerhets skyld oversender jeg den til dere - for rask videreforsendelse til etterforskningsledelsen i Stockholm. (Vedlegger også brev.)

Med vennlig hilsen

Pol II/Kabs kansli/Kr S-O Petersson
860717 - Ex t:
Kab sekr
Rosenberg Pol II
Länspolismästare Hans Holmér
Avdch Sven-Åke Hjälmroth RPS/Säk

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf


Överlämnas av ambassaden i Oslo
För kännedom till Nils Rosenberg, Pol 2.

Sveriges ambassad
Nobels gt. 16.
0268 Oslo 2


Vedlagt oversendes en artikkel fra som utgis i New York

Artikkelen er et intervju med en CIA-agent som har blitt arrestert

Agenten, som har brudt med CIA, kommer med interessante opplysninger om CIA:s underorganer i iverksatt - og han nevner i den forbindelse (noe tvetydig) Olof Palmes navn.

Uansett tolkningen av uttalelsene
Olof Palmes navn i denne forbindelse,

Artikkelen har jeg fått oversendt

om saken, men for sikkerhets skyld oversender jeg den til dere - for rask videreforsendelse til etterforskningsledelsen i Stockholm. (Vedlegger også brev.)

Med vennlig hilsen

Pol II/Kabs kansli/Kr S-O Petersson
860717 - Ex t:
Kab sekr
Rosenberg Pol II
Länspolismästare Hans Holmér
Avdch Sven-Åke Hjälmroth RPS/Säk


I'm enclosing a copy of the transcipt of an interview with a who says he has been working for the CIA in

It is taken from a tape recording made by a deputy from

now run into problems with the CIA.

The tapes were given to an reporter and to a reporter

As you will see from the section marked, at one point the man in question who is called begins to speak of the role of the CIA in

In any case, he speaks of Olof Palme. He states what sounds like the following in an English translation:

Question: You are having problems with one of the most well-known intelligence agencies in the world, that is, the CIA. Is this true?

Answer: Yes, exactly.

Question: What was the specific cause of your break with the CIA?

Answer: We found out recently, two months ago, and it's because

When I first read this article,

The news paper is published in New York. Their phone number is Good luck!

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf


I'm enclosing a copy of the transcipt of an interview with a who says he has been working for the CIA in

It is taken from a tape recording made by a deputy from

now run into problems with the CIA.

The tapes were given to an reporter and to a reporter

As you will see from the section marked, at one point the man in question who is called begins to speak of the role of the CIA in

In any case, he speaks of Olof Palme. He states what sounds like the following in an English translation:

Question: You are having problems with one of the most well-known intelligence agencies in the world, that is, the CIA. Is this true?

Answer: Yes, exactly.

Question: What was the specific cause of your break with the CIA?

Answer: We found out recently, two months ago, and it's because

When I first read this article,

The news paper is published in New York. Their phone number is Good luck!



I'm enclosing a copy of a letter that I just wrote to from Sweden who works

I think the information might be of interest to you, although I think that

In the interview (attached) the man seems to be speaking of the

Keep in touch.

All my best.

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf

Pol-1986-06-12 HA1122-00 Brev + artikel till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo om avhoppad CIA-agent.pdf



I'm enclosing a copy of a letter that I just wrote to from Sweden who works

I think the information might be of interest to you, although I think that

In the interview (attached) the man seems to be speaking of the

Keep in touch.

All my best.