
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ17837-00 alla-förhör-Craig-Williamson.pdf/14

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Craig Williamson: services to Angolan companies that have mining concessions; in other words don't want the concession, we want when an Angolan company has the concession we will provide the mining services and equipinent.

And then the third things is, well on the first one, on the trading also I've...because previously I've been involved in aviation I'm still involved in the aviation side, but that's mainly bringing goods from Angola ... from South Africa to Angola.

But now I want to expand, I want to start using cargo aircraft from Angola into other parts of Africa.

But sorry then the third thing I do is ... the company I am associated with represents Iscor Balaton. It's Iscor, the steel and iron and steel company and it has a ... I don't want to call it 'cheap'.

It has a cost-effective design for Africa: a housing system which does houses, warehouses, clinics, schools, hospitals.

And that is ... my biggest contract that we are busy working on now is a 500-house contract here.

I had some problems with my Angolan friends now, related I think to my immigration status, which developed because of all this nonsense in the newspapers and that brings us up to today.

Hans Ölvebro: Okay. Then we have some questions I think. You start or ...? Have you been in Sweden? And if you have, when?

Craig Williamson:

Hans Ölvebro: Where in Sweden did you stay?

Craig Williamson: In Stockholm.

Hans Ölvebro: In Stockholm. The only place?

Craig Williamson: Yes. And it's a hotel I can't remember the name.  (Hotell Birger Jarl)  Somewhere close to SIDA. They organised it each time. Close by.

Hans Ölvebro: What kind of people have you met in Sweden?

Craig Williamson: Political people.
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