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1988-06-13 00:00

Inkomna Lotostatkopior av tidningsklipp från anbassaden i Ankara. Sidan 9 uppgifter om PKK:s påstådda inblandning i mordet på statsminister 0101 Palme. På sidan 9 kan utlisas att PKK genoma Kemal" Enluk har erkänt att de låg bakon nonet på statsminister 0102 Palme. Anledningen till detta var att Palne engagerede sig i tvisten mellan Irak och Iran. Palme vägrade att vara neutral och att sälja vapen till båda sidor. Troligtvis har Ezaluk och Kenal berättat mer, men endast en liten del har läckt ut till pressen.

78971, 48168-7, 7910%


spaningsche! |

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Inkomna Lotostatkopior av tidningsklipp från anbassaden i Ankara. Sidan 9 uppgifter om PKK:s påstådda inblandning i mordet på statsminister 0101 Palme. På sidan 9 kan utlisas att PKK genoma Kemal" Enluk har erkänt att de låg bakon nonet på statsminister 0102 Palme. Anledningen till detta var att Palne engagerede sig i tvisten mellan Irak och Iran. Palme vägrade att vara neutral och att sälja vapen till båda sidor. Troligtvis har Ezaluk och Kenal berättat mer, men endast en liten del har läckt ut till pressen.

78971, 48168-7, 7910%


spaningsche! |

Mordet på statsminister Olof Palme

Rikspolisstyrelsen Rikskriminalpolisen Palmeenheten

YE 15735

Till Interpol Lyon Generalsekretariatet

Diarienr IP 6133/96/BJ

Mordet på Sveriges statsminister Olof Palme inträffade i Stockholm den 28 februari 1986. Någon gärningsman har inte dömts för mordet. Enligt tidigare uppgift i bl.a turkiskspråkiga tidningen Sabah uppgavs att

erkänt att PKK ligger bakom mordet på Olof Palme.

F.n. pågår rättegång mot Diyarbakir.

vid State Security Court i

Vid senare förhör skall

| ha återtagit sin bekännelse om PKK:s inblandning i mordet på Olof Palme.

Stockholm den 10 augusti 1998

Per Gustavsson kriminalinspektör


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Mordet på statsminister Olof Palme

Rikspolisstyrelsen Rikskriminalpolisen Palmeenheten

YE 15735

Till Interpol Lyon Generalsekretariatet

Diarienr IP 6133/96/BJ

Mordet på Sveriges statsminister Olof Palme inträffade i Stockholm den 28 februari 1986. Någon gärningsman har inte dömts för mordet. Enligt tidigare uppgift i bl.a turkiskspråkiga tidningen Sabah uppgavs att

erkänt att PKK ligger bakom mordet på Olof Palme.

F.n. pågår rättegång mot Diyarbakir.

vid State Security Court i

Vid senare förhör skall

| ha återtagit sin bekännelse om PKK:s inblandning i mordet på Olof Palme.

Stockholm den 10 augusti 1998

Per Gustavsson kriminalinspektör



Rb 2310 med jeg, pm 604/2 Agdur och pm 652/2 P-A Lindahl, kallades 860311 Irl 09.00 till Sveriges Radio med anledning av ett brev som inkommit till den. På Sveriges Radio sammantrallade vi med berättade 181jande: Fradagen den 7 mars -86 mottog

ett brev vilket han öppnade och ste. Kod anledning av Innenaue brevet bad han

att sände brevet till Yör vidare mandagging.

mottog och läste brevet 1 måndags (10/3) och ringde då till polisens ledningscentral. Han lyckades dock ej komma fram per telefon varför han tvingades väntade till idag då han lyckades korama fram till polisen.

är de enda tze som tagit på själva brevpappret. Brevet skickades i budkuvert med intexnposten mellan

anser att brevet eventuellt kan sättas i samband med ett hotsanta) som kom till Sveriges Radio den 7/3-86 kl 04.25. Detta samtal finns enligt inspelat på band och har tillsänts ledningscentralen, Orginalbrevet lämnat till KOV 860311 ka 09.40, Kopia medsänds anmilan.


Spaningschef $ อ

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf


Rb 2310 med jeg, pm 604/2 Agdur och pm 652/2 P-A Lindahl, kallades 860311 Irl 09.00 till Sveriges Radio med anledning av ett brev som inkommit till den. På Sveriges Radio sammantrallade vi med berättade 181jande: Fradagen den 7 mars -86 mottog

ett brev vilket han öppnade och ste. Kod anledning av Innenaue brevet bad han

att sände brevet till Yör vidare mandagging.

mottog och läste brevet 1 måndags (10/3) och ringde då till polisens ledningscentral. Han lyckades dock ej komma fram per telefon varför han tvingades väntade till idag då han lyckades korama fram till polisen.

är de enda tze som tagit på själva brevpappret. Brevet skickades i budkuvert med intexnposten mellan

anser att brevet eventuellt kan sättas i samband med ett hotsanta) som kom till Sveriges Radio den 7/3-86 kl 04.25. Detta samtal finns enligt inspelat på band och har tillsänts ledningscentralen, Orginalbrevet lämnat till KOV 860311 ka 09.40, Kopia medsänds anmilan.


Spaningschef $ อ


Air Mail



General Manager

Sweden's Television Station



Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf


Air Mail



General Manager

Sweden's Television Station



MANIFESTO Us Croatian Separat ist Movement, called "Ustashl", we take full responsibility for execution of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.

Our young 8.8 troops "Ustashl" have exe this evil man for the following reasons: through socialtem he wanted to turn Sweden a communist country, that is why he was so dangerous, with his red friends :Bruno Krel Austria, Willie Brandt of Germany and Felipe Gonzales of Spain.

They are going to be out targets, those traitors.

Olof Palme[was also against the Croatian idol, Adolf Hitler, with Independent state of Croat la faught during last war to the end.

Olof Palme applauded the re. of our great statesman, Dr.Andlja Artukovic, to communist Yugoslavia. He was ou leader during the war, the West called him "Himmler of Croatia".

Lastly, Palme was a frlead-of var-orlatnal-The of Yugoslavia, who was a collaborator of Germans and us Ustashi" in 1943 and 1944, against our common enemy, the Serbian people.

After the war Tit. a few hundred thousands of Serbs, but murdered some of our people as well - what against our 1943 Agreemenyin Zagreb, where Tito's negotiators Mi inven Djilas, Koca Pop Dr. Vladimir Velebit signed a pact with us and Germans, against the Serbian general Dra: . Communism and Nazism have a lways been very close to each other.

Many of our prom Ostashl" became Tito", prominent communists:Andrija Hebrang, member of Pollburo after the , General Marko Mesic and General R.PIrc, later Tito's Generals. Col. Sulejman Filipovic,

Minister by Tito. Even the present Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, Milka Planinc, she for us "Ustashl" l. 1941/2 in the town of Drniš, in Bosnia.E.T.C. the war our "us tashi" killed over one million Serbs on our territory - and 60,000

28.We did it in the name of God and glory of the Catholic Church.

We fulflled the orders our great Protector Pope Plus XII and his Vaticap.Even to-day's Curia in Vatican 18 on side. You will never get us - since we enjoy the protection of Catholic community in as ve11.

They support us financially and in any way possible. grey mentor in V.S.A. is Cardinal Manning of Los Angeles, who tried to protect Dr. Arcukovic from extradition to Yugoslavia as long as he could.

But those swines : Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz ordered his extradition to Yugoslavia. Cardinal Bernardia is against us, because he is with the leftist elements of country.

What can you expect else from a known Cardinal-homosexual? shall take care of present communist Yugoslavia through our counter-Revolution, now in .

Do not forget, that our "Ustashi" became communists after the war', and they become "Ustashl" again at a given moment, since our philosophies are so close.

We "Independent State of Croatia" again, we shall get it through the Catholic Church which we all belong, Vatican has always been on our side, and we always served Vatican .

All the people we killed during the war, Serbs and Jewe, we did for Vatican, to get of them, so that our religion, the Catholic one, may spread freely in that part of he world. We do not hide such facts, late Cardinal Stepinec was our mentor during the war,

American Cardinal Spellman of New York gave tens of thousands of us "Ustashi" and our , the asylum in America, we are now stronger than ever in this country. We can do we please, you remember that our troops have killed Yugoslav communist ambassador Sweden Bralovic many years ago. We are not afraid from anyone, since God is on Croatian .

. bave other targets at this moment of our struggle for freedom of Croatiane.

We order you make this Manifesto available to all swedish and foreign jewspapers and journalists, we want the whole world to know about our struggle for freedom. It you don't do it, we make some more trouble In Sweden.

Long live the Independent State of Croatia. Bog I Hrvati ! (God and Croatians!) Long live Vatican, our great Protector!

Long live memory of Pope Plus XII ! Franciscan Fathers

Croatian newspaper "Danica" Headquarters in the U.S.A.

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

MANIFESTO Us Croatian Separat ist Movement, called "Ustashl", we take full responsibility for execution of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.

Our young 8.8 troops "Ustashl" have exe this evil man for the following reasons: through socialtem he wanted to turn Sweden a communist country, that is why he was so dangerous, with his red friends :Bruno Krel Austria, Willie Brandt of Germany and Felipe Gonzales of Spain.

They are going to be out targets, those traitors.

Olof Palme[was also against the Croatian idol, Adolf Hitler, with Independent state of Croat la faught during last war to the end.

Olof Palme applauded the re. of our great statesman, Dr.Andlja Artukovic, to communist Yugoslavia. He was ou leader during the war, the West called him "Himmler of Croatia".

Lastly, Palme was a frlead-of var-orlatnal-The of Yugoslavia, who was a collaborator of Germans and us Ustashi" in 1943 and 1944, against our common enemy, the Serbian people.

After the war Tit. a few hundred thousands of Serbs, but murdered some of our people as well - what against our 1943 Agreemenyin Zagreb, where Tito's negotiators Mi inven Djilas, Koca Pop Dr. Vladimir Velebit signed a pact with us and Germans, against the Serbian general Dra: . Communism and Nazism have a lways been very close to each other.

Many of our prom Ostashl" became Tito", prominent communists:Andrija Hebrang, member of Pollburo after the , General Marko Mesic and General R.PIrc, later Tito's Generals. Col. Sulejman Filipovic,

Minister by Tito. Even the present Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, Milka Planinc, she for us "Ustashl" l. 1941/2 in the town of Drniš, in Bosnia.E.T.C. the war our "us tashi" killed over one million Serbs on our territory - and 60,000

28.We did it in the name of God and glory of the Catholic Church.

We fulflled the orders our great Protector Pope Plus XII and his Vaticap.Even to-day's Curia in Vatican 18 on side. You will never get us - since we enjoy the protection of Catholic community in as ve11.

They support us financially and in any way possible. grey mentor in V.S.A. is Cardinal Manning of Los Angeles, who tried to protect Dr. Arcukovic from extradition to Yugoslavia as long as he could.

But those swines : Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz ordered his extradition to Yugoslavia. Cardinal Bernardia is against us, because he is with the leftist elements of country.

What can you expect else from a known Cardinal-homosexual? shall take care of present communist Yugoslavia through our counter-Revolution, now in .

Do not forget, that our "Ustashi" became communists after the war', and they become "Ustashl" again at a given moment, since our philosophies are so close.

We "Independent State of Croatia" again, we shall get it through the Catholic Church which we all belong, Vatican has always been on our side, and we always served Vatican .

All the people we killed during the war, Serbs and Jewe, we did for Vatican, to get of them, so that our religion, the Catholic one, may spread freely in that part of he world. We do not hide such facts, late Cardinal Stepinec was our mentor during the war,

American Cardinal Spellman of New York gave tens of thousands of us "Ustashi" and our , the asylum in America, we are now stronger than ever in this country. We can do we please, you remember that our troops have killed Yugoslav communist ambassador Sweden Bralovic many years ago. We are not afraid from anyone, since God is on Croatian .

. bave other targets at this moment of our struggle for freedom of Croatiane.

We order you make this Manifesto available to all swedish and foreign jewspapers and journalists, we want the whole world to know about our struggle for freedom. It you don't do it, we make some more trouble In Sweden.

Long live the Independent State of Croatia. Bog I Hrvati ! (God and Croatians!) Long live Vatican, our great Protector!

Long live memory of Pope Plus XII ! Franciscan Fathers

Croatian newspaper "Danica" Headquarters in the U.S.A.

uppger att han ringer från Södra sjukhuset i Jönköping där han finns intagen på psykiatrisk klinik Prec.

pratar förvirrat om att hans täckjacka varit synlig på mordplatsen där Olof Palme togs av daga.

berättar vidare att det var han som sköt Olof Palme med en Colt 48 Magnum.

hade två medgärningsmän och dom färdades i en gUL Passat. Karlsson vill ej lämna namn på medgärningsmännen.

har en bror på

i Täby vid namn





Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

uppger att han ringer från Södra sjukhuset i Jönköping där han finns intagen på psykiatrisk klinik Prec.

pratar förvirrat om att hans täckjacka varit synlig på mordplatsen där Olof Palme togs av daga.

berättar vidare att det var han som sköt Olof Palme med en Colt 48 Magnum.

hade två medgärningsmän och dom färdades i en gUL Passat. Karlsson vill ej lämna namn på medgärningsmännen.

har en bror på

i Täby vid namn





ringde dag som ovan och uppgav att det var han som sköt Diof Palme. Han tillade också att han ringt tidigare och erkänt mordet. Han nämnde vidare att han befann sig på Södra Klinikerna i Jönköping på en psykavdelning. Han ville att polis skulle komma och hämta honom. Han ville inte vara kvar längre på sjukhuset.

verkade mycket förvirrad och i psykisk obalans. Det var svårt att kommunicera med honom. Han uppgav mycket kortfattat att han hade färdats med en quel passat tillsammans med en annan person som han inte ville namnge. Detta skulle ha varit aktuellt den 28 feb 1986. Han skulle ha använt sig av en Colt 48 Magnum, vilken han sedan kastat någonstans i vattnet utanför Skeppsholmen. nämnde att han hade en bror vid namn

som var boendes på

i Täby Vid kontroll i databas så finns notering om

beträffande ovan nämnda. Han hade hört av sig till palmegruppen den 22 april 1994 per tfn.

kan anknyta till uppslag er Spaningschef 940875

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

ringde dag som ovan och uppgav att det var han som sköt Diof Palme. Han tillade också att han ringt tidigare och erkänt mordet. Han nämnde vidare att han befann sig på Södra Klinikerna i Jönköping på en psykavdelning. Han ville att polis skulle komma och hämta honom. Han ville inte vara kvar längre på sjukhuset.

verkade mycket förvirrad och i psykisk obalans. Det var svårt att kommunicera med honom. Han uppgav mycket kortfattat att han hade färdats med en quel passat tillsammans med en annan person som han inte ville namnge. Detta skulle ha varit aktuellt den 28 feb 1986. Han skulle ha använt sig av en Colt 48 Magnum, vilken han sedan kastat någonstans i vattnet utanför Skeppsholmen. nämnde att han hade en bror vid namn

som var boendes på

i Täby Vid kontroll i databas så finns notering om

beträffande ovan nämnda. Han hade hört av sig till palmegruppen den 22 april 1994 per tfn.

kan anknyta till uppslag er Spaningschef 940875



Härmed erkänner jag att jag Mördade:






15/8-94 Had


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf



Härmed erkänner jag att jag Mördade:






15/8-94 Had








08-786 60 00




Krim komm Hans Ölvebro RPS




Mordet på statsminister Palme (1 bil)

Översänder tidningsklipp från ambassaden i Ankara. Se sidan 9 om PKK:s påstådda inblandning i mordet på

statsminister Palme.

Dep 350 100b1 a 50 ex 8603


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf







08-786 60 00




Krim komm Hans Ölvebro RPS




Mordet på statsminister Palme (1 bil)

Översänder tidningsklipp från ambassaden i Ankara. Se sidan 9 om PKK:s påstådda inblandning i mordet på

statsminister Palme.

Dep 350 100b1 a 50 ex 8603




PKK's spring offensive: An act of desperation



guerillas marched into the hamlet of Uckardesler and called 12 people out of their houses. The militants had the names of their victims beforehand and, after gathering them in the form of a group, sprayed them with bullets. A shephard who heard gunfire and came to the hamlet was also killed in the attack. Last week's attack of the Kurdistan Workers Party (Partiya

In all, the three attacks cost Karkaren Kurdistan) on a hamlet of Nusaybin, in which 11 peo- the lives of 27 people, including ple from the same family died, was the second such massacre children, and the PKK man. which took place in the PKK Spring Offensive-1988 campaign.

aged to escape... According to witnesses, PKK militants raided the Bahninin

Originally, the Kurdistan hamlet of Taskoy village at night and sprayed the only three Workers Party had planned to houses there with bullets. 11 members of the Celik family died in give priority to attacks on milithe attack and the fire which followed, including women and a tary facilities this Summer. three-month-old infant.

But, its "Spring Congress" Those who survived the at- Babat, released from prison scheduled to be held within tack, Ilhan Celik (11) and about a month ago after being Turkish territory, unfolded as Shazime Celik (7), said later charged with supporting the a total failure with Turkish that the militants had ap- separatist organization, was troops killing 20 of those who peared on their doorsteps at branded by the PKK as a had infiltrated from the border night and had started to shoot "traitor" and police collabora. in a wide-scale military operaaſter asking from the window tor.

tion. whether there were any sol. Two hours after this triple However weakened it may be, diers inside.

murder near Tarakli, more the PKK has shown with the reThe massacre was clearly than 25 well-armed separatist cent massacres that it is deterintended to wipe out the Celik family, probably collaborators of the state, and give the mes.


0 sage that the PKK was still acVan Gold

VAN tive in the region.

BITLIS Only days before, the outDicle lawed organization's guerilla



Pervari front, ERNK, raided two hamEruh


DIYARBAKIR lets in Sirnak and killed 16


Şemdinli people.


Strnak Silopi

Çukurca: Again in this attack, the first


Clare. Uludere target was a former PKK supÖmerli

Habur Zaho Ontabağ porter, Osman Babat, and his

Nusaybin two relatives. The three were

IRAK caught on the way back to their

SURİYE village and strangled.





BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf



PKK's spring offensive: An act of desperation



guerillas marched into the hamlet of Uckardesler and called 12 people out of their houses. The militants had the names of their victims beforehand and, after gathering them in the form of a group, sprayed them with bullets. A shephard who heard gunfire and came to the hamlet was also killed in the attack. Last week's attack of the Kurdistan Workers Party (Partiya

In all, the three attacks cost Karkaren Kurdistan) on a hamlet of Nusaybin, in which 11 peo- the lives of 27 people, including ple from the same family died, was the second such massacre children, and the PKK man. which took place in the PKK Spring Offensive-1988 campaign.

aged to escape... According to witnesses, PKK militants raided the Bahninin

Originally, the Kurdistan hamlet of Taskoy village at night and sprayed the only three Workers Party had planned to houses there with bullets. 11 members of the Celik family died in give priority to attacks on milithe attack and the fire which followed, including women and a tary facilities this Summer. three-month-old infant.

But, its "Spring Congress" Those who survived the at- Babat, released from prison scheduled to be held within tack, Ilhan Celik (11) and about a month ago after being Turkish territory, unfolded as Shazime Celik (7), said later charged with supporting the a total failure with Turkish that the militants had ap- separatist organization, was troops killing 20 of those who peared on their doorsteps at branded by the PKK as a had infiltrated from the border night and had started to shoot "traitor" and police collabora. in a wide-scale military operaaſter asking from the window tor.

tion. whether there were any sol. Two hours after this triple However weakened it may be, diers inside.

murder near Tarakli, more the PKK has shown with the reThe massacre was clearly than 25 well-armed separatist cent massacres that it is deterintended to wipe out the Celik family, probably collaborators of the state, and give the mes.


0 sage that the PKK was still acVan Gold

VAN tive in the region.

BITLIS Only days before, the outDicle lawed organization's guerilla



Pervari front, ERNK, raided two hamEruh


DIYARBAKIR lets in Sirnak and killed 16


Şemdinli people.


Strnak Silopi

Çukurca: Again in this attack, the first


Clare. Uludere target was a former PKK supÖmerli

Habur Zaho Ontabağ porter, Osman Babat, and his

Nusaybin two relatives. The three were

IRAK caught on the way back to their

SURİYE village and strangled.





BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988

mined to keep its face with fur. ther attacks on civilian targets, while at the same time building up its strength to launch a maattack on a military target the region. These, in commando jargon, are "easy hits" ; attacks conducted on hamlets which are not well protected or by village guards.

This could spell out further and deaths of civil. ians in the region and become springboard for stronger sepaction by mid-summer autumn.

It is clear by the Nusaybin Sirnak attacks that there messages that the PKK they own in the rugged terrain, According to Lt. Colonel Esref to send, both to the people have no other choice but to re- Hatipoglu, the Gendarmerie the region and to the outside turn to their own villages for division commander there, the .

survival. This has been seen closest military unit to the The attacks were carried out in the attacks on Tarakli and hamlets concerned was seven a time when security meas. Uckardesler..

hours away and this was were upped throughout the 4.The PKK still has the speaking under normal weath, when new troops had strength to carry

out er conditions. The Senoba ba. deployed to the border zone "punishment" attacks or in tallion, on the other hand, was followed Turkey's suc- other words, retaliation ten hours away and there was counter-attack to crush against police collaborators, no road linking the troops to the "Spring Congress" of the and state-supporters, and, hamlets. .

5. The intelligence-operation "We thought no one was even But, what were the messages network in the region has not living there. They had been rethe two attacks gave to the worked out as was planned in settled in houses set up in Senofolk?

Ankara and there is still a 'ba. The massacre zone, on pa. 1. The PKK has contested the lack of operational power after per, looks uninhabited," he made from attacks take place. The delayed said.

and the regional gov- arrival of military troops to The regional Gendarmerie office that it has been villages assaulted is one proof Commander Gen. Hulusi Sayand has been left with. of this..

in, on the other hand, explained strength..

In fact, the statement of Ilome to journalists that two bridges 2. The flow of new troops to the Minister Mustafa Kalemli, fol. had been wrecked during win. has not helped much as lowing the attacks on Tarakli ter and it had taken 13 hours for as protecting civilian con- and Uckardesler, has indirect. the first military units to reach and the military is still ly supported the message that the hamlets which were hit. of touch with many of the the PKK is after.

He added that the PKK had at the border region.. Kalemli openly told journal- told surviving villagers to

3.The government's resettle- ists, while touring the region, number them at over 200 when programme has not that the state was not even giving an account of the attack out as expected and vil. aware that the hamlets were when actilally there were no , who depend on the land populated before the hit.

more than 25 gunmen.

BRIEFING/May 16-23,1988


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

mined to keep its face with fur. ther attacks on civilian targets, while at the same time building up its strength to launch a maattack on a military target the region. These, in commando jargon, are "easy hits" ; attacks conducted on hamlets which are not well protected or by village guards.

This could spell out further and deaths of civil. ians in the region and become springboard for stronger sepaction by mid-summer autumn.

It is clear by the Nusaybin Sirnak attacks that there messages that the PKK they own in the rugged terrain, According to Lt. Colonel Esref to send, both to the people have no other choice but to re- Hatipoglu, the Gendarmerie the region and to the outside turn to their own villages for division commander there, the .

survival. This has been seen closest military unit to the The attacks were carried out in the attacks on Tarakli and hamlets concerned was seven a time when security meas. Uckardesler..

hours away and this was were upped throughout the 4.The PKK still has the speaking under normal weath, when new troops had strength to carry

out er conditions. The Senoba ba. deployed to the border zone "punishment" attacks or in tallion, on the other hand, was followed Turkey's suc- other words, retaliation ten hours away and there was counter-attack to crush against police collaborators, no road linking the troops to the "Spring Congress" of the and state-supporters, and, hamlets. .

5. The intelligence-operation "We thought no one was even But, what were the messages network in the region has not living there. They had been rethe two attacks gave to the worked out as was planned in settled in houses set up in Senofolk?

Ankara and there is still a 'ba. The massacre zone, on pa. 1. The PKK has contested the lack of operational power after per, looks uninhabited," he made from attacks take place. The delayed said.

and the regional gov- arrival of military troops to The regional Gendarmerie office that it has been villages assaulted is one proof Commander Gen. Hulusi Sayand has been left with. of this..

in, on the other hand, explained strength..

In fact, the statement of Ilome to journalists that two bridges 2. The flow of new troops to the Minister Mustafa Kalemli, fol. had been wrecked during win. has not helped much as lowing the attacks on Tarakli ter and it had taken 13 hours for as protecting civilian con- and Uckardesler, has indirect. the first military units to reach and the military is still ly supported the message that the hamlets which were hit. of touch with many of the the PKK is after.

He added that the PKK had at the border region.. Kalemli openly told journal- told surviving villagers to

3.The government's resettle- ists, while touring the region, number them at over 200 when programme has not that the state was not even giving an account of the attack out as expected and vil. aware that the hamlets were when actilally there were no , who depend on the land populated before the hit.

more than 25 gunmen.

BRIEFING/May 16-23,1988




Minister Kalemli quoted vil. ried out 44 murders in 41 days. provide personal security for lagers as saying that the PKK This was more than one person its citizens, wherever they are, militants had carried out a pro- killed a day and " unaccepta. within the country. paganda campaign, advising ble" for the former prime mini. In all, what the opposition was them not to help village guards ster, who has often been held re. lashing out at was the indifferor the state. His reasoning sponsible for the pre-1980 cir. ence of the Ozal regime to es. though, was different. "This cumstances which raised the calating separatist attacks, means that they are very dis- annual death toll in cities to* and the determination in An. turbed about this," he said. above 5,000. At that time, the kara --since 1984-. to define the "They do not resist from using rise in urban terrorism and ci. "problem" in the region as a the most vicious methods to ter- vilian massacres was used as minor one and to hold " separ. minate people who they have a pretext for the September 12 atist bandits" responsible for placed under this category." military coup.

the massacres. Was this not one of the mes. Demirel said that in the past Always, the number of PKK sages that the PKK wanted to four years about one thousand guerillas involved in attacks give in the first place? "Do not persons had been killed in rur. has been pulled down while the help the state or we will kill al terrorism in the Southeast organization has done just the you!" Was this not the very ba- region, and nearly 500 of these opposite, increasing their numsic idea behind armed propa. were security forces or mili. ber for purposes of propaganda. carried out in the South- tary personnel. He recalled Ankara has claimed over and cast over the past four years? that "in no time in Republic over again that the PKK is outKalcmli was even more history have so many martyrs numbered and " victories tempting --for the PKK-- as he been recorded" and added, "the have followed one another to be carried on saying "if you fol. state has not been able to break chased by immediate massa. low the incidents more carefUL. their hands until now." cres of the separatists -- to prove ly, you can see that the state The TPP chairman noted that their existence and determina. forces are gaining more con. after every incident in the tion to keep up the struggle. trol over the region every day. Southeast statements were Only recently, the testimonies Such incidents will neither made saying that the state was of repentants and PKK prisondamage our courage or the cou. "strong" but no results were ers have made it clear that rage of the security forces.." achieved, and asked, "what about 300 newly armed guerilThis remark and the delay in should the citizens do? Side las have infiltrated the Turklaunching a security operation with the bandits instead of the ish border from Iran and Iraq in the region following the at- state? You are the state.. Find a and are currently broken up.in were not welcomed by the solution and stop the blood groups to carry out a wave of atin Parliament. As shed."

tacks. Southeast gradually took on Social Democrat Populist Par- of these, 200 have crossed the appearance of a modern ty leader Erdal Inonu was border from Iraq in three , politicians back in equally strong in denouncing groups and the remaining Ankara repeated claims that the government's standpoint from the Iranian border. Acgovernment was left hands on the issue. In a speech he cording to security sources in in the face of rural terror. made at his group meeting he the region, the groups then split .

said that the state was in a up into smaller groups of 3, 9 or Expectedly, the first statement "helpless and desparate" situa. 12 persons and are hiding from True Path Party tion.

while they wait new orders Suleyman Demirel. He said that the administra- from the Central Committee.

Demirel addressed the parlia- tion was responsible for not be. The Turkish daily Gunes group of his party af. ing able to provide security in said last week that the PKK had the massacres and pointed the region and pointed out that determined four "combat that PKK terrorists had car. it was the government's duty to zones" in which attacks would

Come si

BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf



Minister Kalemli quoted vil. ried out 44 murders in 41 days. provide personal security for lagers as saying that the PKK This was more than one person its citizens, wherever they are, militants had carried out a pro- killed a day and " unaccepta. within the country. paganda campaign, advising ble" for the former prime mini. In all, what the opposition was them not to help village guards ster, who has often been held re. lashing out at was the indifferor the state. His reasoning sponsible for the pre-1980 cir. ence of the Ozal regime to es. though, was different. "This cumstances which raised the calating separatist attacks, means that they are very dis- annual death toll in cities to* and the determination in An. turbed about this," he said. above 5,000. At that time, the kara --since 1984-. to define the "They do not resist from using rise in urban terrorism and ci. "problem" in the region as a the most vicious methods to ter- vilian massacres was used as minor one and to hold " separ. minate people who they have a pretext for the September 12 atist bandits" responsible for placed under this category." military coup.

the massacres. Was this not one of the mes. Demirel said that in the past Always, the number of PKK sages that the PKK wanted to four years about one thousand guerillas involved in attacks give in the first place? "Do not persons had been killed in rur. has been pulled down while the help the state or we will kill al terrorism in the Southeast organization has done just the you!" Was this not the very ba- region, and nearly 500 of these opposite, increasing their numsic idea behind armed propa. were security forces or mili. ber for purposes of propaganda. carried out in the South- tary personnel. He recalled Ankara has claimed over and cast over the past four years? that "in no time in Republic over again that the PKK is outKalcmli was even more history have so many martyrs numbered and " victories tempting --for the PKK-- as he been recorded" and added, "the have followed one another to be carried on saying "if you fol. state has not been able to break chased by immediate massa. low the incidents more carefUL. their hands until now." cres of the separatists -- to prove ly, you can see that the state The TPP chairman noted that their existence and determina. forces are gaining more con. after every incident in the tion to keep up the struggle. trol over the region every day. Southeast statements were Only recently, the testimonies Such incidents will neither made saying that the state was of repentants and PKK prisondamage our courage or the cou. "strong" but no results were ers have made it clear that rage of the security forces.." achieved, and asked, "what about 300 newly armed guerilThis remark and the delay in should the citizens do? Side las have infiltrated the Turklaunching a security operation with the bandits instead of the ish border from Iran and Iraq in the region following the at- state? You are the state.. Find a and are currently broken up.in were not welcomed by the solution and stop the blood groups to carry out a wave of atin Parliament. As shed."

tacks. Southeast gradually took on Social Democrat Populist Par- of these, 200 have crossed the appearance of a modern ty leader Erdal Inonu was border from Iraq in three , politicians back in equally strong in denouncing groups and the remaining Ankara repeated claims that the government's standpoint from the Iranian border. Acgovernment was left hands on the issue. In a speech he cording to security sources in in the face of rural terror. made at his group meeting he the region, the groups then split .

said that the state was in a up into smaller groups of 3, 9 or Expectedly, the first statement "helpless and desparate" situa. 12 persons and are hiding from True Path Party tion.

while they wait new orders Suleyman Demirel. He said that the administra- from the Central Committee.

Demirel addressed the parlia- tion was responsible for not be. The Turkish daily Gunes group of his party af. ing able to provide security in said last week that the PKK had the massacres and pointed the region and pointed out that determined four "combat that PKK terrorists had car. it was the government's duty to zones" in which attacks would

Come si

BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988


carried out this summer. Ac- licemen and 150 troops are teen years old, but has taken to the report, the "First scaling the mountains at the part in the massacres of 87 ci" attack zone consists of border region searching for the vilians over the past four years , Omerli and Idil, the terrorists who carried out the and was an active militant in Degree" of Eruh, Sir. recent hamlet attacks.

the Eruh region. , Pervari and Hakkari; the During operations carried out In self-confessions of over Degree" of Uludere's last week, 15 suspects were de- 100 pages, both said that the ordistrict, Semdinli and tained and all are believed to be ganization was responsible for . The "Fourth Degree" part of the PKK underground the killing of Swedish Prime Diyarbakir's Dicle and Kulp network which carries out in. Minister Olof Palme, but had .

telligence and armed activi. resisted the temptation to claim According to the newspaper's ties.

responsibility for the assasina, the reason behind this While Turkey is again being tion due to Western reaction.

plan is to give the im- engaged in rural warfare in The Emluk couple confessed that the PKK "is active the Southeast, developments that Palme was killed for his " or in other words, concerning separatist activi- stance on the Iran-Iraq war, give a show of strength. ties have attracted Western at. and his refusal to stay neutral

One official has said, howev. tention not only due to the wave and not sell weapons to any of

that security measures have of killings, but also because of the sides. increased in the four the latest amount of informa- They may have given further " and 20 new tion revealed by a former mili- information, but little was Action Force" teams tant of the organization. leaked to the press. been deployed to the re- The importance of tha PKK, as Coming to hard facts though, , as well as new Comman- far as the Western world and confessions on the amount of troops. Asking not to be Turkey's allies are concerned, support the PKK enjoys in the , he said the goal of took a turn early this month region were interesting. Acoperation this time "is to with militants Kemal and Sa- cording to them, the PKK had the separatists."

niye Emluk giving themselves training camps in Iran, Syria , sources report that over to the police in Denizli. and Greece where their mili60 specially equipped po- Kemal Emluk is only seven- tants were given months of

BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

carried out this summer. Ac- licemen and 150 troops are teen years old, but has taken to the report, the "First scaling the mountains at the part in the massacres of 87 ci" attack zone consists of border region searching for the vilians over the past four years , Omerli and Idil, the terrorists who carried out the and was an active militant in Degree" of Eruh, Sir. recent hamlet attacks.

the Eruh region. , Pervari and Hakkari; the During operations carried out In self-confessions of over Degree" of Uludere's last week, 15 suspects were de- 100 pages, both said that the ordistrict, Semdinli and tained and all are believed to be ganization was responsible for . The "Fourth Degree" part of the PKK underground the killing of Swedish Prime Diyarbakir's Dicle and Kulp network which carries out in. Minister Olof Palme, but had .

telligence and armed activi. resisted the temptation to claim According to the newspaper's ties.

responsibility for the assasina, the reason behind this While Turkey is again being tion due to Western reaction.

plan is to give the im- engaged in rural warfare in The Emluk couple confessed that the PKK "is active the Southeast, developments that Palme was killed for his " or in other words, concerning separatist activi- stance on the Iran-Iraq war, give a show of strength. ties have attracted Western at. and his refusal to stay neutral

One official has said, howev. tention not only due to the wave and not sell weapons to any of

that security measures have of killings, but also because of the sides. increased in the four the latest amount of informa- They may have given further " and 20 new tion revealed by a former mili- information, but little was Action Force" teams tant of the organization. leaked to the press. been deployed to the re- The importance of tha PKK, as Coming to hard facts though, , as well as new Comman- far as the Western world and confessions on the amount of troops. Asking not to be Turkey's allies are concerned, support the PKK enjoys in the , he said the goal of took a turn early this month region were interesting. Acoperation this time "is to with militants Kemal and Sa- cording to them, the PKK had the separatists."

niye Emluk giving themselves training camps in Iran, Syria , sources report that over to the police in Denizli. and Greece where their mili60 specially equipped po- Kemal Emluk is only seven- tants were given months of

BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988


military training before infil. outlawed organization with agent. trating Turkey.

their "sincere confessions." As there have been occasional Some of the strategic informa. How "sincere" they indeed are reports on Ocalan's "death," tion supplied by the Emluk's will be determined when the Emluk's explanation that the was interesting, both for local information is evaluated. But, PKK leader had visited the terror experts and internation- security people do not rule out Mahsun Korkmaz camp on al observers. According to Ke- the possibility of a fake attempt March 8, 1987 to celebrate mal Emluk, the reknown manevoured by the organiza "World's Womens Day" was "Mahsun Korkmaz Military tion to gain credibility. interesting. During this visit Academy" which is situated be- There is also some caution in Ocalan apparently inspected tween Syria and Lebanon, oc- Ankara when "repentants" are all of his militants and was cupies a space of about 10 thou. concerned. Many confessions greeted like the commander of sand square meters and con. have proven to be bogus, either an army. sists of four buildings, one of to accuse other suspects and put The recent attacks in the which is a PKK prison.

the blame on them or directly to Southeast region, followed by There is also a radio station buy a way out of prison. Emluk's confessions and the in the camp. The PKK has set "According to what is popular. threat of future Syrian involveup a clandestine radio which ly known as the "Second Re- ment in terrorist activities tak. broadcasts twelve hours a day pentants Law," which went into ing place within Turkish terri. from 0700 hours to 1900 hours effect at the end of March 1988, tory, are clear evidence that the local time. Training, he said, militants of armed organiza- Summer of 1988 will be no dif. started at 0500 hours and con- tions who confess to their ferent than last year. tinued throughout the day for a crimes and help crush the or. Massacres should be expected period of five months in all. ganization will either not be to follow one another while the

Among the weapons that the punished or will receive only PKK gradually builds up its PKK currently uses, Emluk one-fourth of their actual sen. strength and embraces its new has identified the G-1, G-3, AK. tence.

recruits in training camps 47, Kornach, Diktiriof, Anfor- Thus, whether the Diyarbakir across the border. or, Biscing, Bito and Lavs as militants are really telling the The threat for Turkey, a NAwell as rocket launchers of truth or making things up will TO ally with the longest land various types.

be seen during their first hear- border with the Soviet Union, is One warning that Emluk ing, expected to take place clear. As BRIEFING has said gave was even more serious. sometime early next month. before, neither belittling nor According to the young repen- Another interesting detail exagerating the threat will help tant --who himself confessed provided by Emluk concerns this country. It is time that participation in countless kill- the death of PKK militants. Ac- measures are taken according ings-. the PKK is on the verge cording to him, at least 15 have to the geographical situation, of making a serious deal with been "executed" by the organi. social structure and political Syria to purchase SAM-type zation. And, he personally car. configuration of the region. missiles. He said that the deci- ried out the execution of Fevzi Civilians in the Southeast are sion to purchase was given in Aydin, responsible for Eruh re- Turkish citizens as well and the Third Congress of the gion, because of his failure in a need protection. Explanations, "Party" and they are awaiting clash during which Mahsun such as the settlements are too formal Syrian approval for the Korkmaz --a prominent lead. far to protect or the PKK has ocsale, in order to bring the weap. er-- was killed.

cupied some of the inhabited ons into Turkey.

The suspect also cleared up hamlets, can only help the sep. Both Kemal Emluk and his some points concerning ru- aratist cause and are bound to wiſe are currently on trial in mours about Abdullah Ocalan, damage Turkey's integrity in Diyarbakir and may have the organization's leader and a the long run. struck an important blow to the known Syrian intelligence

10 BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

military training before infil. outlawed organization with agent. trating Turkey.

their "sincere confessions." As there have been occasional Some of the strategic informa. How "sincere" they indeed are reports on Ocalan's "death," tion supplied by the Emluk's will be determined when the Emluk's explanation that the was interesting, both for local information is evaluated. But, PKK leader had visited the terror experts and internation- security people do not rule out Mahsun Korkmaz camp on al observers. According to Ke- the possibility of a fake attempt March 8, 1987 to celebrate mal Emluk, the reknown manevoured by the organiza "World's Womens Day" was "Mahsun Korkmaz Military tion to gain credibility. interesting. During this visit Academy" which is situated be- There is also some caution in Ocalan apparently inspected tween Syria and Lebanon, oc- Ankara when "repentants" are all of his militants and was cupies a space of about 10 thou. concerned. Many confessions greeted like the commander of sand square meters and con. have proven to be bogus, either an army. sists of four buildings, one of to accuse other suspects and put The recent attacks in the which is a PKK prison.

the blame on them or directly to Southeast region, followed by There is also a radio station buy a way out of prison. Emluk's confessions and the in the camp. The PKK has set "According to what is popular. threat of future Syrian involveup a clandestine radio which ly known as the "Second Re- ment in terrorist activities tak. broadcasts twelve hours a day pentants Law," which went into ing place within Turkish terri. from 0700 hours to 1900 hours effect at the end of March 1988, tory, are clear evidence that the local time. Training, he said, militants of armed organiza- Summer of 1988 will be no dif. started at 0500 hours and con- tions who confess to their ferent than last year. tinued throughout the day for a crimes and help crush the or. Massacres should be expected period of five months in all. ganization will either not be to follow one another while the

Among the weapons that the punished or will receive only PKK gradually builds up its PKK currently uses, Emluk one-fourth of their actual sen. strength and embraces its new has identified the G-1, G-3, AK. tence.

recruits in training camps 47, Kornach, Diktiriof, Anfor- Thus, whether the Diyarbakir across the border. or, Biscing, Bito and Lavs as militants are really telling the The threat for Turkey, a NAwell as rocket launchers of truth or making things up will TO ally with the longest land various types.

be seen during their first hear- border with the Soviet Union, is One warning that Emluk ing, expected to take place clear. As BRIEFING has said gave was even more serious. sometime early next month. before, neither belittling nor According to the young repen- Another interesting detail exagerating the threat will help tant --who himself confessed provided by Emluk concerns this country. It is time that participation in countless kill- the death of PKK militants. Ac- measures are taken according ings-. the PKK is on the verge cording to him, at least 15 have to the geographical situation, of making a serious deal with been "executed" by the organi. social structure and political Syria to purchase SAM-type zation. And, he personally car. configuration of the region. missiles. He said that the deci- ried out the execution of Fevzi Civilians in the Southeast are sion to purchase was given in Aydin, responsible for Eruh re- Turkish citizens as well and the Third Congress of the gion, because of his failure in a need protection. Explanations, "Party" and they are awaiting clash during which Mahsun such as the settlements are too formal Syrian approval for the Korkmaz --a prominent lead. far to protect or the PKK has ocsale, in order to bring the weap. er-- was killed.

cupied some of the inhabited ons into Turkey.

The suspect also cleared up hamlets, can only help the sep. Both Kemal Emluk and his some points concerning ru- aratist cause and are bound to wiſe are currently on trial in mours about Abdullah Ocalan, damage Turkey's integrity in Diyarbakir and may have the organization's leader and a the long run. struck an important blow to the known Syrian intelligence

10 BRIEFING/May 16-23, 1988



P.GE: 4

MAY 13/FRIDAY/1988


C1n1m8 by american Journalist Jack Anderson that the Turkish Police are wiging secret war to eradicate the armenian terrorgroup á SALA, continue to have repercissions. Anderson writes that Turkish Secret Police are bent on killing off the a Sall members by one, 79 result of his research into the death of A SALA leader gopyan in i thens recently. Writing in the Washington Post, says "Turkey 13 continuing with its hit-and-run tactics against

SL group." is nderson then goes on to relnte how that in 1982, the police incted 187inst the wishes of the CIA and continued with persuit of in. Li Xender who was eventually eliminated. In his on the subject of his enquiries into the death of a gopyan, also c17:15 that the Turkish Secret Police enlisted the help the Isrenli MOSS D. Anderson claims that the successes of the Seoret Police (MIT) means that the continuation of this policy

slowly thinning the ranks of leading i S. Li members could well menn denths in the future./SA BAH


One of the suspects in the murder of the Swedish Prime Minister Palme a few years ago, Hasın Hayri Guler, has been apprehended. suspect Guler was caught by Swedish police officials in F. Ger. Guler is known to be a PKK member, and one of the leaders of ter oriat organization. Guler has been arrested on the strength of that points to his involvement in the 1984 murder, together another winted man Zulfu Gok. German police authorities have long that Guler was r*sponsible for high level matters in the F. Gerwing of the PKK./HUURIYET


á note stamped officially by the "Education Bord" claims that teachers commit adultery. The statement stamped by the local representing the education authorities in the-Nazilli region,

with the

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf


P.GE: 4

MAY 13/FRIDAY/1988


C1n1m8 by american Journalist Jack Anderson that the Turkish Police are wiging secret war to eradicate the armenian terrorgroup á SALA, continue to have repercissions. Anderson writes that Turkish Secret Police are bent on killing off the a Sall members by one, 79 result of his research into the death of A SALA leader gopyan in i thens recently. Writing in the Washington Post, says "Turkey 13 continuing with its hit-and-run tactics against

SL group." is nderson then goes on to relnte how that in 1982, the police incted 187inst the wishes of the CIA and continued with persuit of in. Li Xender who was eventually eliminated. In his on the subject of his enquiries into the death of a gopyan, also c17:15 that the Turkish Secret Police enlisted the help the Isrenli MOSS D. Anderson claims that the successes of the Seoret Police (MIT) means that the continuation of this policy

slowly thinning the ranks of leading i S. Li members could well menn denths in the future./SA BAH


One of the suspects in the murder of the Swedish Prime Minister Palme a few years ago, Hasın Hayri Guler, has been apprehended. suspect Guler was caught by Swedish police officials in F. Ger. Guler is known to be a PKK member, and one of the leaders of ter oriat organization. Guler has been arrested on the strength of that points to his involvement in the 1984 murder, together another winted man Zulfu Gok. German police authorities have long that Guler was r*sponsible for high level matters in the F. Gerwing of the PKK./HUURIYET


á note stamped officially by the "Education Bord" claims that teachers commit adultery. The statement stamped by the local representing the education authorities in the-Nazilli region,

with the


Datum 2017-08-23 Diarienr (áberopas)

Polismyndigheten Kriminalpolisenheten Nationella operativa avdelningen Hans Melander



Pm gällande samtal med 170622 ringde en man som presenterade sig som

Han uppgav sig vara och berättade att han under ca ett års tid, från hösten 2015 fram till hösten 2016 haft sporadiska kontakter med en man vid namn

Under dessa kontakter framkom att

och var sjuk i cancer. uppgett att det var han som utfört mordet på Olof Palme. Detta hade fångat

intresse och han hade bland annat skickat en videokamera till och bett denna spela in ett erkännande och skicka tillbaks kameran. Enligt uppgift skall en inspelning vara gjord, men varken kameran eller filmen har skickats till

har nu inte lyckats få tag på ting till denne har det påståtts att

men vid samtal med en släknu avlidit.

undrar nu om Palmegruppen är intresserade av och föreslår att han ska lämna information och i samband med detta få göra en intervju med utredarna.

170823 kontaktade undertecknad åkl Krister Pettersson och diskuterade frågan, varpå ett beslut togs att kontakt skall tas med för att erbjuda denne att lämna den information han har, men att någon intervju inte kan utlovas med anledning av fu-sekretessen.

Hans Melander Kommissarie

Tel: +46 10 56 342 18, +46 708 41 80 96 Fax: 08-650 52 60 hans.melander@polisen.se



Y 8064-00


Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf

Pol-1988-06-13 Y9694-01 Erkännanden Palmemordet.pdf


Datum 2017-08-23 Diarienr (áberopas)

Polismyndigheten Kriminalpolisenheten Nationella operativa avdelningen Hans Melander



Pm gällande samtal med 170622 ringde en man som presenterade sig som

Han uppgav sig vara och berättade att han under ca ett års tid, från hösten 2015 fram till hösten 2016 haft sporadiska kontakter med en man vid namn

Under dessa kontakter framkom att

och var sjuk i cancer. uppgett att det var han som utfört mordet på Olof Palme. Detta hade fångat

intresse och han hade bland annat skickat en videokamera till och bett denna spela in ett erkännande och skicka tillbaks kameran. Enligt uppgift skall en inspelning vara gjord, men varken kameran eller filmen har skickats till

har nu inte lyckats få tag på ting till denne har det påståtts att

men vid samtal med en släknu avlidit.

undrar nu om Palmegruppen är intresserade av och föreslår att han ska lämna information och i samband med detta få göra en intervju med utredarna.

170823 kontaktade undertecknad åkl Krister Pettersson och diskuterade frågan, varpå ett beslut togs att kontakt skall tas med för att erbjuda denne att lämna den information han har, men att någon intervju inte kan utlovas med anledning av fu-sekretessen.

Hans Melander Kommissarie

Tel: +46 10 56 342 18, +46 708 41 80 96 Fax: 08-650 52 60 hans.melander@polisen.se



Y 8064-00
