
Sida:Pol-1996-10-18 HBJ1783-07 Craig Williamson.pdf/5

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and I suddenly realised that if he'd been a desk officer in intelligence during all those years, he probably knew exactly who ! was, which turned out to be the case. But I waited until the next week's article. The next article came out, specifically named IUEF as being a prime target of South African intelligence, at which stage I realised I was in some trouble. I put my wife in a health farm in London...near London, just to keep her safe, and I went to have a meeting in Zurich with somebody who would...from South African intelligence who would tell me what was going on and what to do. My...the recognition procedures I had for such a meeting weren't required because when I arrived at the meeting, it washimself who was there.said the only way that we could salvage something from this situation would be to recruit. So I had calledcame to a meeting and I said to him at the meeting, I think it was at the Hotel Zurich. I said: ", your worst fears are true. I am a South African agent." I said: "And what's worse, the gentleman walking here towards us is my boss and he wants to talk with you." So,said: "Fine, we'll talk." And theexplained to him that we were both anti-Moscow, that Moscow was the problem, that if I could weather the storm, thestorm, obviously I would have to leave (UEF because of the suspicion, but if I could stay in Europe and do my master's degree - I had completed my degree, by the way, previously - to do my master's and liaise slowly withon the Soviet-specific, this would be a solution, because he could save UEF and we could save our operation in some way. He seemed to agree and we asked him not to tellbecause I knew she would never agree. And theleft. I think we had dinner, maybe he left that night or in the morning. The next morning I went to Geneva as agreed to go and see, but I couldn't find...I couldn't get hold of him, and that immediately made me suspicious: something was wrong. So I went to the office and I looked at some surveillance. I didn't see any problems, but I phoned and asked for

There was a very strange response. Finally I spoke to

who was the project officer. And I had some very important documents with me, which were required for the funding, for the requests to SIDA, DANIDA and other organisations, which had to be done at that very time, otherwise there would be a problem. So when he wasn't keen, and even pressing me for those documents, I really started worrying. Then I said to him: "Look, I'm here, I've got the documents, I'm not coming in the office, I'm busy filling my car with petrol, I'm across the road at the petrol station." And he delayed a while and then I thought: "No, he's trying to delay me." He then did come, but I realised from his attitude that there was something



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