
Sida:Pol-1997-03-04 HBL17858-00 Dirk Johanes Coetzee.pdf/16

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7 Poun

Africa. Now this is the last time I that I've seen or heard of Mister...the day triat I left that hotel on the (obegripliga ord). Now this was all in the press now in South Africa, you know everyone knew about Williamson, he was there and came back and so on and so on and so on. And I had a friend then, not an agent, just a friend who was the editor of the Sunday Times which is our main English-speaking newspaper: Mister Tasius Myberg. And he phoned me and he says: "Yeah, this is a big story." And I said: "Well, what

do you want to know about it now? He says he's going to detail a journalist Poue by the name of Mister Ken Owen, who afterwards also became the editor of

the Sunday Times. And I said: "Well, I'm going to make Mister Williamson available for you and everything, and all the documents that we now brought back to police headquarters. He can go though all these documents and write whatever he wants to about this whole story. And there appeared a lor of articles about it in the Sunday Times. Now all right, now we're back in South Africa with Mister Williamson, he is a man that did very well, he's gor the expertise, he's got the knowledge, he's been through the whole mill, but now he's out from my command.

But Mister Williamson at that stage, now he is now giving lectures. That was his job. He must now try and...which he did very effectively. From all the security branches in South Africa, and I think also attended at some stage by agents from other countries, came and they attended the lectures that he worked out. And as far as I'm concerned, for the rest of the period that I was with security, he was

busy with this work. With this work and trying to work out, there's some Power agent that he still had. ſH8J 17837

IFBJ 17861
