
Sida:Pol-2020-05-14 DA21183-04-M Camarate-air-crash.pdf/131

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I didn't know how many and such...! There was a certain care in these things. From a technical point of view, we were even under the purview of an entity that was the Explosives Commission, and I no longer remember whether it belonged to the Ministry of Administration Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Defense, but one of the main functions they had was check our technical capacity, check how the shipments were made, if the security measures were taken... this for both military explosives and for civilian explosives, for civilian purposes, such as quarries, etc. In fact, I think these functions are now even performed by the Public Security Police, but I'm not sure; already is many years have passed!

With regard to the Overseas Military Defense Fund, Alpoim Calvão claimed to have heard of the fund, but without giving it too much relevance, having also declared never to have received, as representative of Explosivos da Trafaria no payment through the FDMU:

  • Of relevance? I didn't find anything relevant. You know I'm very cautious about the news. I always cut the news, even today, I classify it. I still classify the news today:



if something is very silly, what is the ... Excuse me talking about this, which is a little thing side, but the news is classified according to its origins and likelihood and only after having a lot of neu's together is thar you can cut them oUL, and that's where the information comes from. Information is a series of clippings from various news items that you can see later if you have any suhstance, or not.

At that time, I didn't care about these news, nor do I care about any importance ».

3.4. The death of José Moreira

One of the issues addressed by the CPI was the death considered to be accidental by José Moreira and Elisabete Silva, in January 1983, just before the first CPI testimony was given by of José Moreira, owner of an airplane that he had placed in the service of the presidential campaign Soares Cameiro and who will have financed, at his own expense, a private investigation to what happened in Camarate. José Moreira and Elisabete Silva were found dead in a Carnaxide apartment in early 1983, the cause of his death being due, according to the Judiciary Police, to accidental inhalation of carbon monoxide. In view of the doubts between deputies, relatives of the victims of the Camarate attack and their representatives, X CPITC decided take steps to ascertain the nature of the death of José Moreira and Elisabete Silva. The two objectives of this approach were related to i) whether or not the death thesis was confirmed accidental and, ii) if proven death by homicide, establish a relationship between that fact and the attack that victimized, among others, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense in 1980.

In this sense, the Institute of Legal Medicine of Coimbra was asked for a new' analysis of the tissues to confim the accidental death thesis,

At the same time, police