
Sida:Pol-1996-10-11 HBE17832-00 Eugene Alexander DeKock.pdf/3

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- 3 (17) -

Eugene De Kock: you know, evening, fly to London on army funds, shop at Harrods and fly back on Sunday evenings again.

So it just gives you now the scope of the money that people had.

After, and just by the way: after the closing of Longreach, DCI was quite in a tizz, because they accused Craig Williamson of defrauding between eight and ten million Rand, which they still today, well, couldn't find at all.

So that is just by the way.

The International Freedom Foundation, in charge there was , also then a military intelligence operator.

They have changed their name in 1994.

After my arrest, it was changed to the ERA, which stands for Executive Research Associates, or Agents, and they sell information, you know, corporate information concerning, you know, companies, investments, which they sell to corporations or to other countries which is interested in you know investing here.

I'll just have a look here. I'll come back to anything there if there's ... oh yeah, there was a very very strong American link.

D: Maybe we should say here that Mister De Kock is referring to a written documents which he has in his hands.

Eugene De Kock: Yeah, well I do it for the sake of completion. I don't want to jump around. I've put it all in sequence so as to benefit yourself and to save time.

FHL Hans Ölvebro: And a copy has been handed over to us to us, so...

Eugene De Kock: It's been handed over to...if you want an original, you're also welcome and then I'll keep a copy, so I have no problem with that and then you have it in handwriting as well and I'm quite prepared to do that. "Ik se nou" (I am saying now).

FHL Hans Ölvebro: You were starting to talk about an American connection.

Eugene De Kock: Oh yeah. Philip Powell made it very clear that there was...that there was American connection, a very strong American connection, between the International Freedom Foundation as well as the Longreach company, and that there was a definite or implied, or definitely implied CIA link.

There is no doubt about it.

Philip Powell enjoyed a lot of trust in this company where he operated in. I'll give you another example later, is that he had to fly to Pakistan and pick up two or three of the chief Mujahedin, you know, of those leaders and had to fly them in to Jambal, which was UNITA headquarters in