
Sida:Pol-1996-10-11 HBE17832-00 Eugene Alexander DeKock.pdf/1

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This is the record of the interrogation of EUGENE Alexander De Kock date of birth , held on Friday 1996-10-11 ,commencing at 17:15 .

The interrogation is being held on the premises of The Special Investigation Team, 13 Church Square, Pretoria.

Leading the interrogation is Detective Superintendent Hans Ölvebro, assisted by Chief Prosecutor Jan Danielsson.

Also present are

  • lawyer Hugo Schalk,
  • Director Ivor Human,
  • Senior Superintendent Casper Jonker,
  • Captain Wentzel Dredericks and
  • Inspector Mark Whale.

The interrogation is being recorded on tape and is being held in English.

Eugene De Kock has been asked to give an account of the knowledge he has concerning a possible South African link to the murder of Olof Palme.

Översättarens anmärkingar: Där Eugene De Kock talar afrikaans, transkriberas meningen följd av en engelsk översättning inom parentes.

Störande ljud förekommer och markeras: (störande ljud). Där stavningen av vissa namn är osäker, följs de av ett frågetecken inom parentes: (?)

Ö = Hans Ölvebro
D = Jan Danielsson
K = Eugene De Kock

FHL Hans Ölvebro: Mister De Kock, we had some problems with the tape recorder, bui maybe you will take the information from the start.

Eugene De Kock: Is it right from the beginning?

FHL Hans Ölvebro: Yes please.



HB 16609 (PM SYDAFRIKA  Riian Stander , KÄLLA A)


HB17676=> HBE 17676 (PM, )

HB 17680 (

HB 17682 (

HB 17684 (

[[Avsnitt: HBD 17830 [[Avsnitt: HBA 17833 [[Avsnitt: ABI 7836 [[Avsnitt: H83 17837 [[Avsnitt: Ho 17671