
Sida:Pol-1996-10-11 HBE17832-00 Eugene Alexander DeKock.pdf/15

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- 15 (17) -

Eugene De Kock: Say yes, and strangely enough I've also told Mister Tommy Lindström this, although he did not, I think, take it in.

I said to him that if Philip Powell is charged, as : senator, and he is charged with receiving those arms and ammunition, which was obviously illegal, and he could be made to stand trial, and the president of this country is prepared to give him an amnesty, just in exchange for the name and address, I think he would accept it.

If he still continues with it. then there must be a very good reason, or there must be something which is threatening, not him but somebody else which is close to him or something like that.

But I've made certain notes here for your people to look at, which i would have done if I'd been in your shoes.

But I've never been in Scandinavia, I don't know what powers you have, how your constitution works, except that it works.

I do not know how the rights of individuals is, but there are certain ways to cause some of these people, and then even a chap like this Bertil Wedin, to maybe come more openly to you concerning other matters.

The moment you get closer to home and they will know, the moment people start panicking: freezing of assets, things like that.

And if he is a Swedish citizen, which he obviously still is, you can hold him. accountable. I've made quite a few notes here.

What I want to tell you is that it's not Anthony White. They can charge Anthony White for being caught for explosives at the Lesotho border post and two security policemen, South African security policemen was now killed on their way there to go and save him.

I think one was a captain, de Bierstall (?), they hit a train. They can charge Anthony White with ivory poaching and gold smuggling, you name it, and they might succeed if they have the necessary, you know, witnesses but he did not ... is not a shooter. Dirk Coetzee is after money: Dirk Coetzee wants...

D: How do you know that?

Eugene De Kock: Pardon?

D: Is that the knowledge you have, that he wasn't the gunman, or is it that...

Eugene De Kock: Craig Williamson would never have used Anthony White, you know. Anthony White is Rhodesian, is ex-, you know, SAS.

D: It's a conclusion you make.



Yoon 17830