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Mad korrespondens men IPO och polisen I Camberra.
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Kort sammanfattning
PM ang. Dan Klöfverskjöld och hustru boende i Camberra, Australien
Förhöret påbörjat
2013-08-27 00:00

Utredningssektionen Dag Andersson Kriminalkommissarie

R 21248-4






Mail korrespondens mellan Lennart Gustavsson, IPO och polisen ii anledning av telefonförhör med svenska medborgarnaPostadress Box 12256 102 26 Stockholm Org.nr 202100-0076

Besöksadress Polhemsgatan 30 Stockholm Telefon till Polisen 114 14

Telefon 08-401 90 00 Telefax 08-401 99 90

E-post rikskriminalpolisen@rkp.police.se www.polisen.se

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Utredningssektionen Dag Andersson Kriminalkommissarie

R 21248-4






Mail korrespondens mellan Lennart Gustavsson, IPO och polisen ii anledning av telefonförhör med svenska medborgarnaPostadress Box 12256 102 26 Stockholm Org.nr 202100-0076

Besöksadress Polhemsgatan 30 Stockholm Telefon till Polisen 114 14

Telefon 08-401 90 00 Telefax 08-401 99 90

E-post rikskriminalpolisen@rkp.police.se www.polisen.se

Lennart Gustafsson - Palmeutredningen.


Lennart Gustafsson Till: IPO Förfrågningar RKP Ärende: Palmeutredningen.

Hej, undertecknad har för avsikt att genomföra telefonförhör med två svenska medborgare som har utvandrat tillåret 1989. Kan detta genomföras enligt den gällande lagstiftning som råder i?

Tacksam för svar, vänligen Lennart Gustafsson

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Lennart Gustafsson - Palmeutredningen.


Lennart Gustafsson Till: IPO Förfrågningar RKP Ärende: Palmeutredningen.

Hej, undertecknad har för avsikt att genomföra telefonförhör med två svenska medborgare som har utvandrat tillåret 1989. Kan detta genomföras enligt den gällande lagstiftning som råder i?

Tacksam för svar, vänligen Lennart Gustafsson

Lennart Gustafsson - Sv: Palmeutredningen

Från: Lennart Gustafsson Till: IPO Förfrågningar RKP Datum: 3/19/2013 08:57 Ärende: Sv: Palmeutredningen Kopia:Dear Colleagues, Ärendet det gäller i Sverige är mordet på statsminister Olof Palme den 28 februari 1986. Palme blev skjuten till döds på Sveavägen i centrala Stockholm klockan 23.21. En förundersökning pågår trots att det gått över 27 år. Personerna jag ( krinsp Lennart Gustafsson ) Rikskriminalpolisen önskar höra skall om möjlig förhöras upplysningsvis via telefon Sverige /. Ingen av de som skall förhöras är misstänkta för något brott i ärendet. Bägge skall höras upplysningsvis om sina eventuella iakttagelser den 28 februari 1986. Åklagare i ärendet är vice riksåklagare Kerstin Skarp, vilken beslutat att förhör skall genomföras.Personer saken gällerTack på förhand för er medverkan.

Detective Inspector Lennart Gustafsson National Crime Police P.O. Box 12256 SE-102 26 Stocklholm Sweden phone +46 010-5634215 E-mail Lennart -S. Gustafsson@polisen.se

Lennart Gustafsson Rikskriminalpolisen Utredningssektionen. Phone: +46 010-563 42 15 BILE PHONE: +46(8)708-416056 E-mail:Lennart-S. Gustafsson@polisen.se Fax: 08-6505260

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Lennart Gustafsson - Sv: Palmeutredningen

Från: Lennart Gustafsson Till: IPO Förfrågningar RKP Datum: 3/19/2013 08:57 Ärende: Sv: Palmeutredningen Kopia:Dear Colleagues, Ärendet det gäller i Sverige är mordet på statsminister Olof Palme den 28 februari 1986. Palme blev skjuten till döds på Sveavägen i centrala Stockholm klockan 23.21. En förundersökning pågår trots att det gått över 27 år. Personerna jag ( krinsp Lennart Gustafsson ) Rikskriminalpolisen önskar höra skall om möjlig förhöras upplysningsvis via telefon Sverige /. Ingen av de som skall förhöras är misstänkta för något brott i ärendet. Bägge skall höras upplysningsvis om sina eventuella iakttagelser den 28 februari 1986. Åklagare i ärendet är vice riksåklagare Kerstin Skarp, vilken beslutat att förhör skall genomföras.Personer saken gällerTack på förhand för er medverkan.

Detective Inspector Lennart Gustafsson National Crime Police P.O. Box 12256 SE-102 26 Stocklholm Sweden phone +46 010-5634215 E-mail Lennart -S. Gustafsson@polisen.se

Lennart Gustafsson Rikskriminalpolisen Utredningssektionen. Phone: +46 010-563 42 15 BILE PHONE: +46(8)708-416056 E-mail:Lennart-S. Gustafsson@polisen.se Fax: 08-6505260


IPO Förfrågningar RKP Till:

Lennart Gustafsson Datum: 3/18/2013 2:36 Ärende: Palmeutredningen Bifogade filer: (7096876) IP-meddelande.txt Hej Lennart,

Jag bifogar det svar som har inkommit frånmed anledning av din fråga. Du är välkommen att återkomma med de uppgifter somefterfrågar för att hantera ärendet. Vår ref:Med vänliga hälsningar, Carin Johnston

/ 34791

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf


IPO Förfrågningar RKP Till:

Lennart Gustafsson Datum: 3/18/2013 2:36 Ärende: Palmeutredningen Bifogade filer: (7096876) IP-meddelande.txt Hej Lennart,

Jag bifogar det svar som har inkommit frånmed anledning av din fråga. Du är välkommen att återkomma med de uppgifter somefterfrågar för att hantera ärendet. Vår ref:Med vänliga hälsningar, Carin Johnston

/ 34791

) IP-meddelande.txt


classification :

INTERPOL Official use only INTERPOL





INFORMATION REQUEST Dear colleagues, INTERPOLtakes this opportunity to extend its compliments to INTERPOL 'Stockholm.

Full balegere In relation to your request, please provide full background to the case wallandi or Investigation.. Also, we request full contact details for the

arendet. investigating officer in you Country. Please also provide full details of the witnesses that you require to

Frillstandzas contact along with their location.

uppgifter gälland As always, your ongoing support and commitment to INTERPOLis personernard greatly appreciated.

Should licrasAllar uppgether a tridlanen,

forINTERPUL National Central BureauThis document containsor partner agency information that is secŞ- Government and is subject to secrecy and/or privacy laws. ThiISSISSon may only be used for official purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third party without the prior written consent ofThe recipient must ensure appropriate security measures are in prace to protect the information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to internal personnel on a 'need to know' basis only.

Original Message-From: IP-mail [1] Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:15 AM TO:Subject:STOCKHOLM NO. 001652 12-03-13 01:15 gmt


sida 1

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

) IP-meddelande.txt


classification :

INTERPOL Official use only INTERPOL





INFORMATION REQUEST Dear colleagues, INTERPOLtakes this opportunity to extend its compliments to INTERPOL 'Stockholm.

Full balegere In relation to your request, please provide full background to the case wallandi or Investigation.. Also, we request full contact details for the

arendet. investigating officer in you Country. Please also provide full details of the witnesses that you require to

Frillstandzas contact along with their location.

uppgifter gälland As always, your ongoing support and commitment to INTERPOLis personernard greatly appreciated.

Should licrasAllar uppgether a tridlanen,

forINTERPUL National Central BureauThis document containsor partner agency information that is secŞ- Government and is subject to secrecy and/or privacy laws. ThiISSISSon may only be used for official purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third party without the prior written consent ofThe recipient must ensure appropriate security measures are in prace to protect the information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to internal personnel on a 'need to know' basis only.

Original Message-From: IP-mail [2] Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:15 AM TO:Subject:STOCKHOLM NO. 001652 12-03-13 01:15 gmt


sida 1

(7096876) IP-meddelande.txt



SUBJECT: INFORMATION REQUEST A Swedish investigator wishes to carry out a telephone interview with two Swedish citizens who live in. Can you please provide us with information regarding how we can proceed in this matter?

Regards, Interpol Stockholm

UNCLASSIFIED *************


This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden,'as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox. AFP web site: http://www.afp.gov.au

                                                                              • :

sida 2

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

(7096876) IP-meddelande.txt



SUBJECT: INFORMATION REQUEST A Swedish investigator wishes to carry out a telephone interview with two Swedish citizens who live in. Can you please provide us with information regarding how we can proceed in this matter?

Regards, Interpol Stockholm

UNCLASSIFIED *************


This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden,'as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox. AFP web site: http://www.afp.gov.au

                                                                              • :

sida 2

National Bureau of Investigation



P.O. Box 12256 SE-102 26 STOCKHOLM


Microsoft Corporation One Way, Redmond WA 98052 USA

We are currently investigating a crime (registration number:) that could lead to two years imprisonment.

Fore use in the investigation we request that you provide us with account traffic information from the date the account was created.

The account we are interested in is theaccount;|kindly ask for an answer as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Sonnt gefa

Lennart Gustafsson

Lennart Gustafsson Kriminalinspektor RIKSKRIMINALPOLISEN

Detective Inspector

+46 10 563 42 15

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

National Bureau of Investigation



P.O. Box 12256 SE-102 26 STOCKHOLM


Microsoft Corporation One Way, Redmond WA 98052 USA

We are currently investigating a crime (registration number:) that could lead to two years imprisonment.

Fore use in the investigation we request that you provide us with account traffic information from the date the account was created.

The account we are interested in is theaccount;|kindly ask for an answer as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Sonnt gefa

Lennart Gustafsson

Lennart Gustafsson Kriminalinspektor RIKSKRIMINALPOLISEN

Detective Inspector

+46 10 563 42 15


UNCLASSIFIED classification : TO:

INTERPOL Official use only




YOUR REF: OUR REF:SUBJECT:INFORMATION REQUESTINTERPOLtakes this opportunity to extend its compliments to INTERPOL Stockholm.

Please find below correspondence received fromSTART QUOTE

As per your request from INTERPOL Stockholm for a telephone interview with_nlease be advisednumber,stated that he has already been contacted by Lennart GUSTAFSSON of the Swedish Federal police about this matter and agreed to

be interviewed. Last contact with GUSTAFSSON was three weeks ago.END QUOTE As always, your ongoing support and commitment to INTERPOLis greatly appreciated! [Best regards, ]for Head of INTERPOL National Central Bureau ofThis document containsPolice Lor partner agency information that is security classified by theGovernment and is subject to secrecy and/or privacy laws. This information may only be used for official purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third party without the prior written consent of. The recipient must ensure appropriate secu ity measures are in place to protect the

Sida 1

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf


UNCLASSIFIED classification : TO:

INTERPOL Official use only




YOUR REF: OUR REF:SUBJECT:INFORMATION REQUESTINTERPOLtakes this opportunity to extend its compliments to INTERPOL Stockholm.

Please find below correspondence received fromSTART QUOTE

As per your request from INTERPOL Stockholm for a telephone interview with_nlease be advisednumber,stated that he has already been contacted by Lennart GUSTAFSSON of the Swedish Federal police about this matter and agreed to

be interviewed. Last contact with GUSTAFSSON was three weeks ago.END QUOTE As always, your ongoing support and commitment to INTERPOLis greatly appreciated! [Best regards, ]for Head of INTERPOL National Central Bureau ofThis document containsPolice Lor partner agency information that is security classified by theGovernment and is subject to secrecy and/or privacy laws. This information may only be used for official purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third party without the prior written consent of. The recipient must ensure appropriate secu ity measures are in place to protect the

Sida 1

(7192811)%20IP_meddelande[1].txt information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to internal personnel on a 'need to know' basis only.



If you

This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox.

Web site: http://www.Sida 2

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

Pol-2013-08-27 R21248-04 10.pdf

(7192811)%20IP_meddelande[1].txt information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to internal personnel on a 'need to know' basis only.



If you

This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox.

Web site: http://www.Sida 2